Chapter 6

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Five and Seven were about to walk into the mess hall when Five grabs Seven's arm and pulls her back. Seven lets out a small gasp.

"Shh..." Five whispers, pointing to the mess hall.

"And what would we do when we get there?" They hear Four ask.

"Find some work, if we're lucky." Two says. "If not, sell the ship."

"No..." Seven says in a small whisper.

"Which is what I have been saying from the start, thank you very much." Three says.

"You said you'd never do that." One says.

"Believe me, I don't want to but I'm starting to think that we may not have a choice." Two says.

Five and Seven look at each other with worried expressions.


"Come on." Five says to Seven.

The two girls enter Two's room.

"Hey." Five says.

"Hey." Two says from the couch.

"You busy?" Five asks.

"I'm just going over some fuel consumption numbers." Two says and then she looks up at the two girls. "But, uh, it can, it can wait. Come in."

Five and Seven walk into Two's room and the girls sit on the edge of the bed, facing Two.

"You really think there might be treasure in that vault?" Five asks.

"Well, until we can figure out a way to get in, there's no way to know for sure." Two says.

"What if there is a way?" Five asks.

"What are you talking about?" Two asks.

"Well, we've been checking out some of the equipment in the infirmary, you know how I like to fiddle." Five says. "Anyway, with the Android's help, I think I might be able to adapt some of the medical equipment to work as a kind of mind probe."

"And who's mind would we be probing?" Two asks.

"Ours." Seven says and Two looks at her.

"Yeah." Five says. "We've got all your memories in our heads, I know it. But they're all jumbled up and they don't make sense. So if I could just find a way--"

"No, listen." Two cuts Five off. "This sounds way too dangerous. We'll find another way to get into the vault."

"It's not just about the money." Five says. "You said you wanted to change. Become better than what you were before. But how can you take a different path if you don't even know how you got there in the first place? If you don't remember, you're just gonna end up making the same mistakes all over again. I don't wanna watch that happen."


Five and Seven were in the infirmary, talking the plan over. Android was setting something up.

"Okay, so I think I've figured it out." Five says. "I have dreams, you have visions. I have to be asleep, but you can stay awake. But you also have to be touching something to have the visions, so if you touch me, we can work as a team to try and get through the memories."

"Team." Seven says with a smile.

"Yeah. Team." Five says with a smile.

Two walks in with Four and not long after, One, Three, and Six walk in.

Five and Seven were sitting on the table, both of them dangling their legs over the side.

Six walks over to the Android.

Number Seven //Book One// - Dark Matter  (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now