Episode 13

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Seven and Five are in Five's room. The two girls listen to the recording again for the 10th time.

"So?" Portia asks.

"You were right." Four's voice says.

"Then we're agreed?" Portia asks.

"Yes." Four says.

"He has to die." Portia says.

"When?" Four asks.

"Before we get to the mining colony, after we come out of stasis." Portia says.

"What we do?" Seven asks.

"Let's find Android." Five says. "Here, we need to keep this safe. If anything goes wrong, you won't talk so it'll be safer with you." Five hands the device to Seven. The two girls walk out and to the bridge. "Hey, Android, there's something I need to talk to you about..." Five trails off when they don't see her.

The two girls walk out of the bridge and find Android's body laying on the floor.

"Hey." Five says, the girls running over.

Seven shakes Android but she won't wake up.

"Five...." Seven gasps out.

Five sees that Android isn't moving.

"Hey!" Five yells, jumping up. "Hey, help!!! Somebody help! Somebody help! Help!"

"What's the matter" Two asks, walking over.

"Android." Seven says.

"She's offline." Five says.

Two and Five kneel next to Seven.

"Her neural chip's been removed." Two says.

"There's something in her hand." Five says.

"Volkov-Rusi." Two says, pulling the thing from Android's hand.

"The soldiers who took the ship." Five says.

"We didn't get them all." Two realizes.


"Son of a bitch." Three says after the rest of the crew had been debriefed and the robot was put into the medbay. "No one messes with my robot."

"Whoever took her down removed her neural implant." Two says. "We're gonna to need to recover it to bring her back online."

"Assuming it already hasn't been destroyed." Four says.

"I don't think so." Two says. Seven jumps up onto the table next to Five, dangling her feet over the edge. "With the implant you could do a full reboot to make her more manageable. Control the Android and you control the ship."

"So why didn't whoever it was do it already?" Three asks. "Why wait?"

"I don't know." Two says. "Maybe they weren't thinking straight, or Five scared them off, or maybe they have some other agenda."

"But how is this possible?" One asks. "We did a full top to bottom sweep."

"Obviously we need to do a better one this time." Six says.

"Right." Two says. "But remember, we need to keep them alive."

"At least until we get the implant back." Three says.

Two walks over to the table where the girls are.

Two hands Five a gun.

"You know how to use it." Two says.

Number Seven //Book One// - Dark Matter  (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now