Episode 2

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"We're not here to help these people. We're here to kill them." Two says.

"No." One says. "That's impossible. That can't be right. Can it?"

"I recovered the information from a fragment of the ship's logs related to the crew list." Android says. "There's no reason to doubt its veracity."

"Of course not." Two says. "In fact, it all makes perfect sense now. The Raza."

"This ship." Android says.

"But as far as the miners are concerned: a race of bloodthirsty aliens, monsters, come to wipe them out." Two says.

"But the truth is we're nothing but a bunch of low-life mercenaries." Six says.

"No, we're better than that." Three says. "We're also pirates and smugglers and thieves, it's a very diversified portfolio."

"You think this is funny?" One asks.

"It's my defense mechanism: humor." Three states. "That and apparently killing people."

"I think we need to talk about out next move." Six says.

"Well, he's right, you know." Three says. "Oh, listen, I don't wanna be the one to say it, but if all this stuff is true, we came here to do a job."

"You want to go down to the planet and kill those people?" One asks.

"No one's killing anyone." Two says and Seven is relieved.

"I didn't say I wanted to kill anyone." Three says. "I'm just talking about the people who hired us."

"Ferrous Corporation." Six says. "Galactic Combine."

"Exactly." Three says. "Not the sort of folks you wanna disappoint, I'm guessing."

"Too bad." One says. "I'm no murderer."

"It's funny cause the screen says otherwise." Three points out.

"Yeah, I don't care what it says." One says.

"So, have you managed to uncover anything else?" Three asks.

"Unfortunately, the rest of the data was corrupted." Android says.

"Well, I suppose that's plenty." Six says. "Hell of a lot more than I wanted to know anyways."

"We all wanted to know." Four says. "These other memories we left behind, death, despair, chaos. So what? If they're no longer a part of us now then what does it even matter?" He says before leaving the bridge. One leaves as well.

"Yeah." Three says before leaving.

Five and Six leave as well.

"Should I continue my attempts at data recovery?" Android asks but Two doesn't answer. "Portia?"

"Don't...don't call me that." Two says. "No computer file is going to tell me who I am. Call me Two." She says before she leaves.

"Okay, Two." Android says and she looks at Seven before also leaving the bridge area.

Seven looks at the screen with the 5 names, faces and information of the crew. There weren't 7 though, which kind of bugged her.

Seven takes a deep shaky breath in as she continues to look at the screen, sitting down on the floor with her knees to her chest.

She didn't know how long she'd been sitting there, but Five eventually showed up in the doorway of the bridge, pulling Seven out of her thoughts.

"Hey." Five says and Seven smiles in reply. "Mind if I join you?"

Number Seven //Book One// - Dark Matter  (COMPLETED)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara