Episode 9

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"Okay, let's go over supplies." Two says after gathering everyone in the mess hall. "Did you and Seven find the parts you were looking for?"

"They didn't have a compatible regenerator assembly, so I thought we might go with these lithium oxide canisters instead." Five says.

"Is that a yes?" Two asks.

Seven nods her head.

"Also I got these welding goggles that are both practical and cool." Five says.

Two looks to Seven who shrugs in response.

"If you say so." Two says. She moves onto Six. "What've you got? Real meat, finally. And protein packs. I'm gonna go put these on ice."

"Sterile gauze, sutures, antibiotics, and these blue pills that..." One trails off.

"Those are mine." Three says, grabbing the pills and carrying a box.

"What is that?" Two asks.

"Whiskey." Three says. "Wasn't on the list, but I remembered for you."

"You know what was on the list?" Two asks.

"What?" Three asks.

"Juice." Two says,

"Jus sans alcool." (Non-alcoholic juice.) Seven says.

Three gives Two a look.

"We didn't even know she could talk and she talks two languages." Three says.

"Yeah." Two says.

"Anyways, got you covered." Three says, holding up the juice.

One looks at Three.

"What are you looking at?" Three asks.

"Someone was supposed to pick up seeds for hydroponics." Two says.

"That was Four." Five says.

"Four, this is Two, please come in." Two says through her comms. "Four, where are you?"

The crew splits up, making their ways to the training room and to Four's room.

"He's not here." Two says in the training room after they look around the training room.

"He's not in his room either." Three says through the comms.

"And his blade's gone too." Six says through the comms.


"Most of the time, he just blends into the background. You don't notice him until he speaks up or takes the last of the carrots. Maybe next time we should implement some sort of buddy system." One says on the bridge after the crew gathers there.

"It wasn't an oversight." Two says. "I remember him coming back from the station."

"So do I." Six says. "He was here."

"Well he's not anymore unless he's hiding somewhere." Three says.

"Why would he be hiding?" One asks.

"Well sometimes Seven and I hide out in the vents when we need to be alone to think." Five tells them.

"I'm tracking the location of his comm." Android says. "It's here."

"On board the ship?" Two asks.

"On the bridge." Android says.

Seven sees the comm on the desk and grabs it, handing it to Five.

Number Seven //Book One// - Dark Matter  (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now