Episode 11

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Wexler spaces Two.

"Noooo!!" Three yells, standing up.

Seven inaudibly freaks out, jumping up as well.

"Settle down! Settle down now or she won't be the only one." Blond guy says.

Five cries next to Seven and Seven is on the verge of tears.

"Now we're gonna take a little walk together, nice and slow." Blond guy says, making everyone get up. "Now move. Everybody inside the vault."

But before they make it into the vault, Three and Four start beating up the guys.

Three gets knocked to the ground.

They pull Three up.

"Are we done?!" The blond man asks when they have everyone at gunpoint.

"Sonuvabitch broke my nose." Cain says.

"Stand down Cain." Blond guy says.

"You're a dead man." Cain says, pointing his gun at Four and walking closer.

"Stand down Cain." Blond guy orders. "Everybody in the vault. Yeah now."

They throw the crew into the vault and shut the doors.

"We need to find something to cut ourselves free." Six says.

"I have a knife, it's in my boot." Five says, standing up and bringing her foot up. "They never frisked me. Guess sometimes it pays not to be taken seriously."

"Since when do you start carrying a knife?" Six asks.

Six grabs the knife from her boot and cuts Five free.

"Really?" Five asks.

Five cuts Six free.

"It's not going to do us much good as long as we're locked in here." Four says.

"I can't believe she's gone." One says.

"He didn't have to kill her." Five says, cutting ONe free. "We gave him the code. Why did he do that?"

"Guys like that think they need to send a message keep us from messing with him." Four says.

Five goes behind Seven to cut her free.

"Well he made a mistake, 'cause I'm gonna do a hell of a lot worse than that." Three says. "When we get out of here, I'm gonna kill 'em all."

Five and Seven share a worried look.

Seven gets cut free.


"You find anything useful?" One asks Five as shifts through objects in a box.

"Nothing that's gonna get us through that door." Five says.

Seven is searching the walls, looking for a vent.

"Half these crates are still locked." Three sasy, banging on the crates. "I tell you when this is all over I'm gonna get a blowtorch come down here and cut every one of them open."

The vault opens up and blond guy comes in.

"Back off." Blond guy says, him, Cain, and the girl walk in with guns raised. Three slightly pulls Seven back behind him. "You managed to cut yourselves free, congratulations."

"Yeah, now you guys can scratch yourselves while you wait for us to hand you over to the G.A." Blonde girl says.

"Hey, Corso, you're coming with us." Blond guy says.

Number Seven //Book One// - Dark Matter  (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now