Chapter 9

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Sick lil boi's


Here I am, setting on my bed doing absolutely nothing, at three in the afternoon. This week as been rather slow, Austin and the crew wasn't doing much and I haven't had any side shoots to do. I let out a heavy sigh.

'Today has to be the most boring day I've had in a long time.' I thought dryly.

Austin, Alex, Zach all have the flu and Robert has to 'take care of them'. I grimace just at the thought of this.

'Yeah right' I dryly laugh, 'he couldn't even take care of the cactus plant I got him. Poor thing died of dehydration. How the heck does that even happen?!'

I shivered at the thought of Robert taking care of they boys... I mean, if he couldn't take care of a plant..

My eyes widened, 'Maybe I should go check on them.'


"ROBERT, YOU DO NOT GIVE THEM RAW EGGS!" I yelled, as I took the unbroken eggs out of his hand. The broken ones still lie next to the blender.

I haven't even been here one minute and this is what's going on? What all has he been doing to them while I wasn't here? Do they know no rules?

"And why not? These help you get stronger! They need them now!" Robert argued back while trying to pry the eggs out of my hands, carefully. He eventually did since I didn't want to clean up broken egg shells.

"Well, Robert, honey, raw eggs aren't for sick people and they don't help you get stronger. All you'll get is salmonella." I said in the nicest way possible.

"Uh, what's that?" He seriously has a genuinely confused look plastered on his face.

I facepalmed so hard just then.

'I really don't know how they're still alive'

I looked up to see Robert still staring at me, contusion written on his face.

"It's a sickness you get when you eat raw eggs. With them already being sick it'll be easier for them to catch it." I explained carefully and the simplest way possible.

Robert facepalmed, "oh okay! I guess it was a good thing they only ate 3 a piece then!"

And in that moment I knew all hope was lost..

"Ah, okay. Let's just hope it hasn't done anything." I said this while leading Robert back to the boys.

Alex looked over and seen me and Robert enter the room. He lazily held both his arms up and said, "help, please, I'm dying.... like for real, I'm sure Robert just killed us." He said in a tried, groggy voice.

"Whatever duface. I'm sure you'll be fine. You're just overreacting." Robert brushed him off. After this Alex let his arms fall to his sides. "Huh, that's what you think." Alex mutterd.

"Uh, yeah. How about I make you some soup? I'll go and check on the other two while I'm at it, okay?" I said sweetly.

Alex just gave a thumbs up and a smile. Rober just grunted and went back to the living room.

'What am I going to do with them? I really hope they all get nice wives. Lord knows they wouldn't be able to survive on their own... at least not for long anyways.' I though dryly.


Figured I'd give you a glimpse of their life lol.

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