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She was stuck in an endless chasm of darkness; there was nothing. Blank emptiness all around. Then, like a candle being lit, or a bulb being switched on, it came; a gentle flicker at first, then bright all encompassing light.

When her eyes flickered open, the first thing Leora saw was blinding colour. Blends of yellow and blue in a glorious landscape; she knew immediately that it was only a dream, but she couldn't deny that being able to see a beach again was amazing. It was bittersweet because she knew that as soon as she woke up she'd be back to the darkness that usually consumed her life.

The sea water crashed against the sand gently in rhythmic waves; if she thought hard enough, she was sure that even the smell of the salt in the air was present.

Leora smiled, allowing her bare feet to burrow into the soft sand. Of course, she couldn't actually feel anything, probably because it was only a creation of her unconscious mind but, she had lived almost her entire life on her other senses.

"Leora?" She heard the familiar voice from behind her and for a moment she could've sworn that her heart stopped for a second. The girl swung around in surprise to find a tall, beautiful man came walking towards her.

"A-Adam?" She stuttered in surprise. Her eyes widened as they took in his large form; it was so overwhelming that her eyes stung with tears. "Is it really you? How are you-"

Her voice wavered, her tears spilling over as she choked. Adam swiftly embraced wiping the crystal drops from her face, kissing each stained cheek with a tenderness that had Leora melting in his arms.

"I don't know. Mates can often share thoughts, so maybe it works whilst we're asleep too." He smiled, resting his forehead against hers. His arms coasted down her arms and twined themselves around her waist. She hesitated at first, but only for a second before she cupped his face in her hands, committing everything to memory.

She found herself suddenly speechless as she took in the man that stood in front of her. This was the man that had been destined for her; her soulmate. She could hardly believe it- her mouth, literally slackened at her surprise, it took everything that was within her to stop herself from letting it fall right to the ground.

He was practically ethereal with his dirty blonde waves, strong, pointed jaw; she was pleasantly surprised, just looking at him made her heart speed up. She had never remembered seeing anyone so beautiful even when she did have her sight; then again she was only a child then- she had known nothing of beauty.

Though arguably, after life in darkness she still knew nothing of beauty; she had always heard the old adage: 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder'. Well if that was true then she didn't mind beholding Adam all day! He was more than just pleasing to the eye, to her he was also kind of heart, and to Leora that was beautiful.

"You're different to what I imagined you to be," Leora whispered; noticing the way Adam's eyes focused more intently on her, she looked down shyly. "In a good way."

He was wild, rugged and slightly intimidating with his scruffy jaw and fierce brown eyes. She could see how he could easily be a wolf in human skin, but it didn't terrify her; not in the slightest. How could something so bewitching ever be so dangerous? He had never hurt her, or even been rough with her, so it was hard for her to imagine as some kind of savage beast.

His eyes glinted slightly, a flash of gold lasting less than a second; he was more than happy that she found him so alluring. The girl didn't have to say a word, he could see clear enough by the look that adorned her face.

"So, do you like what you see then, beautiful?" Adam smirked, chuckling at the blush that had taken over his mate's features.

Of course she did, was there any doubt?! He was absolutely stunning. It made her wonder all the more what he could possibly see in her? Surely, there wasn't anything remarkable about her... was there?

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