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A short two months was all it took for everything to be sorted out. The time seemed to fly by with all the arrangements that had to be made, and there were several occasions in which Leora second guessed her desire to be married quickly instead of planning things out like Adam had suggested. 

The plan was to be married in the small chapel at Willsden Brooke then hold the reception in the green clearing behind the pack house. That way all of Leoras human connections- like Freddie- would make it to the wedding ceremony, whilst all the wolves would feel at home I the woods. It was compromise on both sides, which everyone was willing to accept. 

It did take some arguments on the parental side, who were entirely uncertain about having a reception in the middle of the woods. However once Adam was able to assure both Leora's and their safety they recanted- it was after all Adam and Leora's wedding, and neither of them seemed at all bothered by the location.

The gruelling preparations seemed to take much longer than they did. The dress had been altered a total of 6 times before it had deemed ready- it was mostly to accommodate Leoras now growing size since she had a very small, but still quite visible bump to her stomach. She had also put on slight weight in other places too and for once Leora was glad that she couldn't see her reflection to know if she looked awful or not. Adam had many a time promised she was still as, if not more, beautiful than the day he had met her and he knew exactly how to show her that he meant every word. 

Whilst she wasn't significantly bigger, she was no longer her demure size 8, though her father thought it was the stress of planning the wedding. Katya knew better, and whilst she was happy at her revelation, decided not to speak on it, waiting for the couple to share their news themselves.

Adam and Leora had planned as much for their reception. Amongst the dancing practice, menu tasting, napkin choosing and cake consultation they had decided on how they would reveal their pregnancy to their family and friends. Leora hoped her parents shared her excitement, but just in case they didn't, she sneakily decided that it was best to save the news until after they shared their "I do's."

Her fathers precursor speech at their rehearsal dinner had also been proof that they had made the right choice. Even though he had given Adam his permission to wed his daughter, he still didn't let up on his teasing. After a very forced joke about only marrying his daughter because she got knocked up, everyone was pretty much uncomfortable- except her father of course who was none the wiser.

"Buba, you need to stop moving, I don't want to nick you with the hair pin." Leora's mother spoke, albeit slightly muffled through her closed lips that currently held a few more hair pins.

The girl fidgeted in her chair as her mother pinned her hair back, it was a beautiful waterfall braid which with her wavy tresses it was easy to see the reason behind the braids namesake. Leoras (thankfully now dry) nails pressed into her palms as she clenched her fists, she hoped that the pain would somehow wake her up and tell her that she was dreaming- but she didn't wake up, she wasn't dreaming, this was real. 

Suddenly she began to worry, stupid silly things-  like what if her dress didn't fit, if she tripped on the aisle, what if a fight broke out amongst some of the wolves and they shifted in front of her parents. However, each of her worries were placated by Adam who had made sure to keep a close telepathic watch on her just in case she stressed herself out too much. 

He had been extremely attentive, especially with the baby. He would attend every scan, even if that meant rescheduling his work to be there and he also made sure to be there every time Elaine sent the 3D printing of the ultrasound. Leora got emotional every time without fail, and she could hardly believe she was so lucky as to have so much good in her life. 

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