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Leora felt awful- physically and mentally; could running around in your dreams make you feel like crap?

Both she and Adam decided to take a day off so that they could spend time together, but her period was overdue and she had that tired-bloated feeling that usually told her that it was on its way. Suffice to say, she felt like a piggy that had been run over on a bad day; going out was the last thing she wanted to do.

She felt terrible for feeling terrible, it was as if she had ruined the day before it had even really begun. She knew that Adam had plans to take her out and treat her like a queen because he had raved on about it for a whole half an hour when they had woken up. He sounded so excited and had gone out buying fresh groceries whilst she had slept in so that he could cook them dinner after whatever he had planned for them.

When Adam came back into their room to find Leora rolling over with a small groan, he immediately began to worry. For the last few days she had been acting fatigued, having tummy aches and even been going to the bathroom a lot. Adam wondered if perhaps she had gotten sick, but Leora denied it being anything serious, considering it was all normal indicators of her monthly cycle. Not that she would admit it if she did feel more ill than usual.

It was starting to really concern Adam but he could do nothing if his Soul didn't admit to feeling sick. It wasn't as if he could force her to see the pack's healer, but he would continue to check on her in case she changed her mind later on.

"Are you sure you feel okay, my Soul?" Adam cajoled for the third time that morning, whilst Leora loved that he cared so intently for her it was beginning to irk her that he kept prodding her so. "We've got a long day, we can put it off if you want."

It was stretching to nearly ten in the morning, and she knew that she couldn't stay in bed any longer but that didn't mean that she would be happy about getting up.

"Adam I'm fine." The girl sighed heavily, her tone coming off more icily than she meant. She sighed once more, the feeling not releasing any of the tension she had pent up in her shoulders. "I'm sorry, my period is coming."

"It's okay beautiful, maybe a day out is exactly what you need!" Adam tried to lighten the mood with his optimism. He could tell that his beauty was severely down trodden, he had seen her go through her cycles before and knew that her PMS could be horrible so he wanted to make sure she felt comfortable and happy.

Leora gave him a forced smile, trying desperately to summon as much optimism as he felt, though she really struggled. It wasn't until Adam took her by the hand and led her over to their en-suite bathroom that she really let herself start to relax.

He helped her into the shower, stepping in behind her and running his large hands over the skin of her shoulders. Leora couldn't help but moan, turning to putty in her lover's hands, his fingers expertly kneading away the tension that had been bothering her.

They spent little more than fifteen minutes in the shower but it was a small moment of heaven for them both. Leora finally managed to get some semblance of relaxation and comfort whilst Adam got to put his hands all over her body- needless to say, both parties walked away completely satisfied.

"What have you got planned for us today then?" Leora asked as she slipped into a pair of leggings and a loose, bandeau tank top.

She felt more than refreshed after their shower, and remembering Adam's hands on her had her feeling some kind of way- if she hadn't asked about his agenda, she would have been far too tempted to let him into showing her what else he could do with those hands of his... Not that she wasn't already aware.

Adam could smell her arousal, fogging the air like a sweet mist. It almost made him want to abandon his plan for the day, just to ravish her like she was meant to be.

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