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The girl looked around, it was the first time she had dreamt of an unfamiliar place. All around her grew tall lush trees, splattered in autumnal colours from their topmost branches to the ground. The fallen darkened leaves somewhat damp against the forest floor. She had never been in these woods, hell she didn't ever remember going to any woods when she still had her vision. Nonetheless, she wasn't frightened- no she was enchanted by nature's beauty all around her.

She spun, kicking up a few leaves as she did, stopping abruptly when she caught sight of her handsome stranger that always seemed to find her in her waking dreams. She smiled, her whole face lighting up with her joy at being able to see-actually see- his beautiful face once again.

"Fancy meeting you here," she tilted her head to one side with a flirty playful smirk.

"Of course," Adam replied from his spot. His shoulder leaned casually against a tree as he watched her. "I hear this is where all the beautiful ladies come to hang out."

"Oh really," Leora raised her brow, looking around in jest. She couldn't help but joke further, even if it meant being slightly self deprecating. "Well, you must be wrong...I don't see any beautiful ladies here. You must be severely disappointed."

"Not in the slightest." Adam's tone turned serious as he pushed off the tree. His long legs ate up the space between them in three eager steps, when he reached her his arms wrapped themselves around her waist in rehearsed familiarity. Leora's hands looped around his neck, welcoming his embrace.

"Every time I see you, I get blown away by your beauty."

One of Leora's hands brushed Adam's cheek, trailing a gentle path down to his lips. Her heated eyes taking in every inch of his face as if it was the first time she was looking at him all over again. She had meant her words- he was astoundingly beautiful; she felt as though she could see the whole world in him alone. His golden hair as bright as any sunrise, his pale skin the snowy caps of the tallest mountains, His brown eyes the muddy earth, with the tiniest blue flecks that could've been oceans to her.

"I think you stole my line, beautiful," Adam chuckled. His fingers brushed back a strand of her mousy brown hair back behind her ear, letting his thumb brush one of her rosy cheeks gently.

He was looking at her so intensely, that if she didn't look away then she wasn't sure that she would ever be able to. So the girl found herself looking around once more at the colourful trees surrounding them.

"Where are we?"

"Well this is part of the woods behind the pack house." Adam explained, those woods held plenty of memories for the man. Those very woods had been where he had his first shift, had his first hunt, where he learnt how to navigate; it had been the place where he had felt anything close to bonding with his father. They were times that he cherished and looked back fondly on.

"It's beautiful," Leora sighed happily. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she imagined what it would be like to feel the surge of fresh air on the inhale. She wondered what sounds, what smells would've welcomed her had they been there in reality. "We should come here again, when we're awake that is... I wonder why we ended up here."

"It may have been because I was thinking of introducing you to my wolf."

"Your wolf?" Leora looked up curiously, there was no sign of fear in her; she had no reason to be afraid. "I'd be delighted."

Adam gave her a kiss on her forehead before taking a few steps away. He began to undress, his eyes never once leaving Leoras. Leora blushed and considered turning away, whether to protect Adam's modesty or her own, she wasn't entirely sure. However after a split second internal debate, she realised he had seen her naked already so she might as well get even. Besides, she didn't know when next she would get an opportunity to see such a sight.

Her eyes drank him in, and Adam stood allowing her to take her fill. She bit her lip, as she devoured his strong arms, firm chest and abs, a delicious V-line that led to a thick long cock and tree trunk thighs. Adam then turned around, so that she could inspect his back, giving her a show of his broad back and chiselled ass. He truly was a beautiful male- she had never felt such a way before- which could have something to do with Adam being the first man that she had visually encountered- but she doubted even if she was a regular sighter person she would feel such a way about anyone else. He just seemed to make her wild- and she wasn't even an animal like he was.

"You done yet, beautiful?" Adam threw her a smirk over his shoulder. "Not that I mind if you're not...in fact take your time, you can stare at any part of me for however long you want."

Leora cleared her throat, a fiery blush taking over her features. "I'm sorry, do your thing."

"I was serious, you can look for however long you want. It's all yours." Adam turned back to face her, a look of sincerity and a hint of a blush over his features. Leora only blushed deeper, nodding her understanding before waving her hands at him to, as she put it, 'do his thing'.

He moved, then paused. "I'm going to warn you. The change is not pretty, it's painful and grotesque so you should probably look away."

Leora shook her head, looking at him intently. Though she was afraid to see him in pain, she wanted to see everything about him, every single part while she could, even the ugliness of the change.

Adam nodded. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and allowed his beast to come forth; a cage opening in the dark confines of his mind. His body shook, his bones snapping one by one, his jaw snapping and reforming. Teeth fell from his gums as animal canines ripped through, his pores spouting thick brown fur.

It was horrifying, and slow. Leora thought she would throw up from the sound of Adam's screaming. Her hand covered her mouth, her face a mask of fear as she watched her lover undergo such pain. It lasted close to 10 minutes, Leora had bit her lip so hard it had started to bleed, her eyes bled tears that she hadn't realised had welled up.

Finally the beast emerged in all its glory; sandy brown, a few shades darker than Adam's golden hair and the most piercing gold eyes. The wolf bared hardly any resemblance to Adam, but still she knew it was him- perhaps it was his air, or the way he cocked his head to one side mirroring her own actions.

When he saw her bleeding lip and tear streaked face he whined, trotting over to nuzzle her face gently. The creature stood a full head taller than her; she never knew any animal could be such a size but she supposed that he was a mythical creature probably had something to do with it.

Her hand stroked his fur gently, as if reassuring the beast that she was okay. That was all he needed before leaning down to scoop her onto his back before taking off at full speed through the trees. Leora shrieked her laughter, clinging on tightly.

They ran and played, the beast taught her to hunt, and she tried to get him to balance pinecones on his snout. Even though she knew she was dreaming, Leora was still somewhat exhausted; she had so much fun spending time with Adam's beast. She had met another side of him, quite literally, and she liked being closer to him. She couldn't wait to meet his wolf in real life too.

It disappointed her that she wouldn't be able to see him but it didn't hurt as much as the first time. She knew that in waking life, or in dreams, Adam was the same honest and loving mate that he always was. Whether she could see his beauty, or feel it didn't really matter, she was just lucky to have him.

It would take her a moment to get over the sting of plunging into darkness, but she would overcome it, she always did. Besides, it wasn't so difficult living in the dark when she had the warmth of her own sun beside her to comfort and guide her everyday. 

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