Chapter 27

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You wake up from your slumber touching your head and rubbed it a bit. Your fever was down but your head still sting a bit. You looked around blinking your eyes to adjust with the lights. There was dark outside and only your night lamp was lighting your bedroom.

You sat and rested your back on the head board. Your throat was sore so you searched for water on your night stand. But it was just an empty glass so you removed your blanket and wanted to get up but a voice stopped you.

"You shouldn't move Y/n."

You turned to the voice and you saw someone was leaning at your door. He switched on the light and you closed your eyes for a moment before you looked at him.


"Yes. I heard you got sick so I came."

"But you shouldn't have to."

"I wanted to. Are you thirsty? I go get water for you." He then disappeared to the kitchen and you leaned back. 'Does he know about Jimin? I hopefully not.' You were deep in thought that you didn't realize Jungkook was sitting next to you. He was putting the tray he brought to the night stand and touched your forehead. You're jumped in surprised.

"Your fever is gone. That's good." He then grabbed the glass and gave it to you. You took it and emptied almost half of the glass.

"Are you hungry?" You nodded agreeing.

"I made porridge for you. I don't know if its okay with you." He held the bowl and put it on your both hands. The aroma from the porridge instantly made you felt more hungrier and you dipped the spoon. You blowed a few times before shoved it to your mouth slowly. Jungkook looked to every details you did and waited for your response.

"It's delicious." Your compliment made Jungkook smiled widely.

"Thank god you like it. Eat more." You were so hungry that you emptied the whole bowl. Jungkook was satisfied with it and took the bowl from you. He handed the glass and gave the medicine to you. You took it and put it in your mouth and emptied the glass.

"You're such a weird person." Jungkook suddenly said. You raised your brow.

"Most people will make a disgusted face if they had to take the medicine but you just simply take it likes its nothing to you. Most people also lost their appetite when they get sick but I see you can empty that bowl easily."

"I'm different. I rarely lost appetite when I get sick unless I got bad stomachache then I don't eat much. I'm used to the medicine also." You explained.

"You used to it? Do you always get sick before this?" He asked thinking that you had some disease that made you used to the need of taking medicine regularly. You got silence for a while because you didn't know how to explain to him. He will know about your brother then.

"Hmm I'm used to it because my brother is a doctor. I always helped him at his clinic before so I'm quite used with the medicines."

"Your brother?"


"The one that Jiwoon had mentioned before?"


Jungkook stared at you. You looked everywhere and anywhere except Jungkook. You started to feel nervous as if he was about to do something. You quickly tried to think to avoid to whatever coming next but suddenly you reminded about something.

"Where's Jiwoon and Miyoon?"

"Jiwoon already asleep and Miyoon took a leave after she send Jiwoon to sleep."

"Oh...What time is it now?"

"5 minutes before 11."

"Shouldn't you go back home? It's quite late"

"I will but after I ask you something." He didn't let his eyes moved from looking at you. You looked back at him and immediately you felt weak. His intense stare sent shivers to you that you felt you almost will let him do anything to you without pushed you further. You felt you just willingly to give in to him. You turned away as you felt he came closer to you.

"Who is Namjoon?" He asked in a deep low voice. You turned to him and immediately backed away a bit because it was so close that you two almost brushing your noses.

"How do you know him?" You felt his eyes changed and you could sensed jealous in it.

"Who is he? Why he came and wanted to see you?" You looked down avoiding his eyes. He held your chin with his finger and brought your face up to meet with him.

"I won't get mad at you. I just want to know who he is." He spoke in a low voice but somehow you felt threatened by the way he said it.


"Who is he Y/n? You don't want to tell me? You want me to do something to you then so that you can tell me hmm." There it was. A threat. You were screwed.

"N-no. I-I'll tell you." He moved back a bit to look at you properly and brushed his fingers on your cheek up and down.

"Who is he Y/n? Please tell me."

"He-he is"

Jungkook was surprised upon hearing those. He stopped his action and took down his hand.


"He is my other brother."

The Boss And Me (Jungkookxreader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now