Chapter 54

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"Y/N!!" Seokjin dramatically showed up in the dining room. You quickly got up ran to your him.

"Seokjin Oppa." You hugged him and he instantly threw his arms to you. He hugged you tightly and kissed your forehead.

"Are you okay lil sis?"

Your tears that you held quickly flowed through your cheeks. You cried hard in his shoulder. He rubbed your back and looked at the people in the room.

"What the heck?"

"Kim Seokjin. Language." Your father's voice echoed in the room. Seokjin looked at him with an annoyed expression.

"Dad. What is this all abou-Jimin? What are you doing here?" Namjoon came in looking so surprised when he saw Jimin.

"That's Y/n future husband." Your father straightforwardly told them.


Both of them couldn't hide their shock over the statement given by your dad.

Namjoon furrowed his brows. "But why?"

"He wanted to and I allow it."

"But Y/n hav-"

"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANYTHING ANYMORE. Y/n is going to marry him."

"How about Jiwoon?" Seokjin discreetly asked.

"Y/n can have him. This guy willing to take care of them. Afterall, he's the father." Your father spat the truth with a smirk.

Both of them were shock for the second time. They couldn't believe the  words they heard.

"You je-" before Seokjin finished his word, Jimin was being caught up by Namjoon and he punched him with all his might. Jimin was fell on the floor. Surprised but expected to received it.

"Jimin!!" His parents came to look at him. He touched his face hissing on the pain he received.

"You liar! How dare you. After all what you've done you shamelessly come here to marry her. And to top of it you're my best friend. How could you this Jimin?" Namjoon screamed at him. Everyone were in silence watching the so called calm Namjoon showing his anger side. They never saw Namjoon acted that way.

"I-I can explain Namjoon." Jimin tried to speak as he got up with the help of his father.

"I don't damn care of your explanation. You should know that
she already has Jungkook-"

"ENOUGH! I don't want to hear that name!" Your father loud voice again was heard making everyone halted. Your mother was crying on her seat.

The tension air was filled in the room. Everybody was tense and dense over chaotic situation they're in.

"Mom. Please bring dad to his office room now. Mr. And Mrs. Park. Please go home. Take your son with you too. We want to have some family discussion now and we don't want any outsider to interrupt. Please." Seokjin said desperately to calm everyone down. 

Your mother agreed and took your father hands to follow her. Your father complied the order even though he didn't like to be bossed around but he thought he needed the break. He got up as he jerked his hand off from your mother and walked out from the dining room furiously followed by your mother who looked at bit embarrassed of his husband's action.

"But hyung. We're not done with him yet." Namjoon stated not satisfied yet.

"We deal it later Namjoon."

Mr. and Mrs. Park were then accompanied out by your maid to their car. Meanwhile, you were calmed down a bit under your brother care.

Namjoon came to you and hugged you as well. "I am so so sorry Y/n. I didn't know it was him. I swear if I knew I wouldn't be friend with him." He regretfully said to you.

You shook your head. "It's okay oppa. It's not your fault. I was the one who kept the secret. I don't want to put blame on anyone. It's practically my fault too."

"Oh Y/n. I am such a useless brother."

"Me too. I'm sorry."

"No, you're not. You both were saving me just now. So, you're not useless. I'm glad you two are here." The three of you were hugged together before Seokjin suddenly broke the hug.

"Have you heard anything about Jungkook, Y/n?"

"No. My phone was confiscated."

Both Namjoon and Seokjin were looking at each other with an unknown expression. You were curiously wanted to know what happened.

"We were trying to look for him while we were looking for you. We thought he might know where have you been since we couldn't contact you suddenly. We tried to call him so many times but his phone was off. We even went to his house but there's no one. He was just suddenly missing."

You were gasped in horror. You're thought of your hunch that his missing was related to your father.

"Did dad do something to him?" You mumbled alone. But Namjoon heard it.

"You think this is dad's doing?"

"I don't know. But you know dad right?"

Both of them nodded agreeing with you.

"But how do you know I'm here?" You suddenly asked.

"Well, we didn't actually. Someone was called us on your whereabout. We didn't even thought that dad was this fast to get you. We honestly thought that you were run away again. Stupid me for thinking such things." Seokjin honestly said.

"Did you know who might called you?"

"We don't have the slightest idea but thanks to him we able to get to you."

"Now put this all aside. We need to see dad. We have to discuss with him."

"I'm scared oppa."

"We are with you now. Don't worry we protect you."

"But what if dad still want me to marry him. You know that we can't go against him. He may harm Jiwoon." You slightly worried.

"We don't know if we don't try. Come and we settle this."

The Boss And Me (Jungkookxreader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now