Chapter 4

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Both of them gave me a blank look.

"We tell you that was Umar Kashim and you tell us that?!" Rumaisa shrieked, it looked like she was on the verge of hysterics.

"What do you want me to say??!" I screamed back at her.

"Ok Guys...calm down" Rabiah said holding both of our shoulders as she turned to look at the people outside who were looking at us.

"Well are we going or are we staying here to chit chat?!, because I need to get out of here!" Rumaisa said as she started walking towards the gate.

I hissed loudly before letting out a sigh and turning to hug my friend.

"Goodbye Rabi'ah, I'll let you know when I get home."

She nodded hugging me back as she patted my back before releasing me "Please do, I would like to know you're home safely."

Both her and Rumaisa together with everyone inside that hall need to be enrolled in drama school, drama school NEEDS them.

I walked out of the gates of the house, walking towards our parked car where Rumaisa was already in the back seat scowling.

Wallahi ita ta sani.

"Wai meh ya faru? Why are you back early?" Baba sani asked.

"Oho! Ni ma ban sani ba, daga nayi ma wannan data Keh so magana dan ya batta mun kaya Kuma ya bankadde ni, wannan Sai  Tache ah tafi, Wai she can't stay here" I said chuckling at the last statement.
(I also don't know, just because I confronted that guy that she likes because he spoilt my clothes and he shoved me, this girl said we should leave)

What she doesn't know is that this has been to my advantage, because I get to go home and rest, the day hasn't even ended yet and it has been sooo long.

"Ba wani! Hauka fa ta mishi! And I left there for your sake too! Do you know how powerful that man is?? What if he takes to you jail-.."
(It's not true! She showed him madness!)

She didn't get to finish her sentence because both I and Baba sani barked out laughing.

I was laughing so hard I had to bend over and place my forehead on my laps.

"Oh My God! Wayyo Allah chikina" I said sitting up straight as I kept one hand on my stomach and I used the other to wipe away my tears from laughing so hard.
(Oh My God My Stomach)

Baba Sani let out one last chuckle before he shook his head in amusement and he slowed down the car to stop at a red light.

I turned to look back at her "Rumaisa Kenan! I knew you were stupid but I never knew it was this bad"

She hissed loudly "you think I'm joking! I know he's my man and I shouldn't be saying this about him but he's actually insane! You don't know what length he'll go to just to get back at you! And I only brought up the jail talk because it has happened! He has gotten two of his workers arrested for disrespecting him!" She said in one breath.

If only she was passionate about her studies like how she was about this man and his life...

"I don't think the word I want to use for him has been invented yet, because if you say he is how he is then he's a really really messed up person and you shouldn't idolize him as much as you do, but honestly! That's for him, you and his 'victims' to think about because ME? He can't do anything to me." I said.

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