Chapter 18

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It was Wednesday  evening and preparations for my 'Wedding' has begun

Like play like play this thing is actually becoming real

And it's not funny

I keep waking up everyday to hope that Baba would change his mind

But I know I'm just fooling myself

I was in the living room with mama and Rumaisa choosing laces

But the truth was, they were the ones choosing the laces, not me

"Hameeda, you like purple right, this will look good on you" Aunty said

I nodded without looking at the lace

Just playing with the bracelet on my arm

"Ok then, we would take this one too" Aunty told the woman

The woman nodded and she dropped the laces where the others were

My wedding date was Friday next week

I finally met 'the groom' yesterday

And when I went into Baba's living room to meet him I almost ran away

He was giving me a smile that would make a child cry

I managed to stay seated on the couch for a good hour without fainting

He was just asking me random questions and I gave short answers

I was hoping he'll understand that I didn't want to get married to him and call the wedding off

But NO!

He only seems to smile wider with every answer I gave

I also happened to find out he had two daughters

One my age and the other older than me

I was now going to be their 'mother'

That thought alone could make me cry

Rumaisa and Aunty began to choose their laces

What shocks me is that Rumaisa doesn't get the fact that I don't want this wedding, in fact she's excited

She happily lives her life while I cry my self to sleep every night

When Rabi'ah heard this news she couldn't help but cry with me when I started crying again

We have known each other since secondary school and she knows that this isn't how I planned out my life and isn't my dream wedding

Ya Abdul's reaction was the worse, he left the house and I haven't seen him since Friday

He leaves the house before I wake up and comes back when I'm asleep

I don't know why he's doing this, it's not my fault

I'm not the one forcing my self to get married

Zulaiha came in carrying a big black nylon filled with only God knows what

She dropped in beside Aunty and Aunty turned to look at her

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