Chapter 49

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I groaned as I sat on my vanity table realizing that I had to at least put some make up on

When we came back home he told me that we were going for his friend's wedding dinner

I opened the drawer as I brought out my  make up stuff

When I was done I looked at my self in the mirror and I smiled

Fa'iza will be proud

I took them back and I stood up looking at my self in the mirror and I let out a loud groan

I FaceTimed with Hauwa an hour ago and she kept disturbing me to wear this lace, some of the ready made outfits that were in the boxes Nona gave me, i was actually confused on how they got my size but I didn't bother asking

The skirt and blouse was very beautiful but it tight and the top part of the blouse was a little revealing

Why do even have to listen to Hauwa?

Even if I wanted to change it I won't because of how hard it was to put the skirt on

I promise I didn't add weight

I spent a good 10 minutes looking for a veil that will match with the lace

I tied my head tie I took my heels and my clutch in one hand and my veil in the other

I remember leaving my phone in Umar's room so I went to get it

I went in to see him walking out of his closet wearing a white Kaftan

He stopped when he saw me

He looked at me up and down before he continuously began shaking his head

I frowned at him

"It's tight" he said

Says the person who isn't even wearing it

"Attack Hauwa"

"It's revealing" he added

"Not really" i said as I dragged the top of my blouse

"Go change" he said

My mouth dropped open "do you how hard it was to put the skirt on"

"I don't, go change"

"Well even if I wanted to, which I don't by the way, you didn't want to escort me inside earlier so why would I change"

He gave me that look just as my clutch fell from my hand to the carpeted floor

I bent down to get it but of course that wasn't possible

Umar shook his head and he took the clutch and he gave it to me "you see, it's tight"

"I don't know why your exaggerating, it's not like I'm going like this, I'm wearing a veil"

He looked at the veil before he moved forward and he took it from me and he 'examined' it

"Unless you're putting it like this..." he said as he unfolded the veil to its original side and he dropped it on both of my shoulders and he kept wrapping it around me

I turned to look at the mirror and I burst out laughing "Umar what is this?"

nayi Kamar wata mummy (I look like a mummy)

And the funny thing was that he looked serious about it

"You can go like this" he said

Yep, he's serious

"No I can't, I look extremely weird" I said as I unwrapped the veil from my body

"Then go change"

I shook my head

This time he gave me a glare looking annoyed

"I'm sorry" I said moving forward I wrapped my arms around him with my head resting on his shoulder

Of course he didn't hug me back, he stood there like a statue

I looked up at him to see him looking down at me

"But I don't want to change" I said


"Wallahi it was hard to put the skirt on" I said as I stopped looking at him and my head went back to his shoulder

When he kept quiet I released him and I moved backward "if you don't believe me see" I said as I forcefully tried moving the skirt downwards but it didn't move an inch

"How are you planning on removing it when you come back then" he asked

I shrugged

I took the veil and I wrapped it around me "this was how I planned on putting it, ka gani, it's ok now"

He looked at me for what seemed like forever before he turned his back to me and he turned to his vanity table

I looked at him and I smiled at his back knowing that meant a yes

I walked towards him and I stood next to him "you see, that's more like it"

He turned to look at me "don't make me change my mind"

I quickly took two steps away from him

"Let's go" he said as he carried his zanna bukar cap and he wore it on his head

I smiled and I went out the door with him following behind me

We went out of the front door and into the car

He started the car and he drove out of the gate

I turned to look at Umar who's eyes were focused on the road

I smiled cheekily to myself before I brought out my phone and I pressed the record button while the camera faced Umar

When the flash came out he looked startled before he turned to look at me with squinted eyes

I let out a chuckle before I stopped the video and I looked at it

He is such a cutie

After a lot of overthinking I posted the video on my Instagram story

Since I and Umar got married I didn't post anything about 'Us'

And that was because I didn't want to

But then...why not?

I closed my phone after that, I sure knew I was getting a lot of messages today

I looked up to realize we were already at the event center

The place was already filled, after about 7 minutes Umar found a parking space

Immediately I came out of the car I wondered where my anxiety went

Usually Aunty would have to drag me to escort her to a wedding, I didn't like going because of how everyone seemed to judge you with their eyes even though they aren't

But right now no one even forced me

I came on my own


Well, Because apparently I'm Mrs Kashim


Ok Mrs Kashim 😻!

How are y'all doing?

I hope you enjoyed the chapter

Sorry for the little wait 😁

Love, M🤍

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