Chapter 53

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I looked up from my nails when I heard Aliya's voice

"Hm?" I asked coming out of my thoughts

"Why did Ya Umar say that he loves that lady?" Aliya asked from the back seat

I was actually surprised that Aliya didn't know Nafisa

Like how?

I cleared my throat "Well, uh, she's his friend"


"Yes" I whispered

I kept praying that she wouldn't ask anymore questions because I don't want to break down in front of her

I was scared Umar will let his love for Nafisa overpower him

Even if that meant letting me go..

"Can I ask you another Question ya Hammeda?" Aliya said

I hope it's actually something I can answer


"What does divorce mean?"

I froze

Of course she heard that, and now she wants me to explain it

"I-..uh, it means...uh, you know, I don't even think I can remember the meaning"

"Oh" she said sounding disappointed

"Well can I ask you another question?" She asked

I sighed as I closed my eyes "go on"

"Why did that lady ask Ya Umar to marry her, I thought you two are married already?" She asked

She's really smart for her age

I started blinking away the tears I could feel at the brim of my eyes

Why do my tears have to disgrace me?!

"I really do-..." I immediately kept quiet when the door opened

Umar entered the car and he closed the door behind him

I didn't even want to know how everything ended

I turned to look outside for the first time since I entered the car

I noticed everyone was back inside

They settled the matter then

His answer is clear

Umar started the car without a word and he drove out of the house

The car was very silent

The radio that was our source of sound was turned off by Umar immediately he entered

I could feel his gaze on me from time to time but I didn't dare look back at him

I mean, it's not even his fault is it?, I was the one who chose to go with him

It's my fault that I saw and heard all that

And I very well know that Umar loves Nafisa, I still don't understand why I was feeling emotional

Maybe the fact that he may divorce you because of her?
My mind chirped in

I chose to push that voice in the deepest part of my mind before it took over my thinking

I could still feel his gaze on me when we reached a traffic light

"Hameeda" he called

I ignored him and I watched the road

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