Chapter 24

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Upon entering, I immediately recognized Halima

I knew she found me marrying Umar as such a huge shock

Yeah me too

But her facial expression gave nothing away as she  gave me a small smile and she walked towards me

She surprised me by hugging me


I hugged her back

"Hameeda Ya kike?" She asked when she pulled away (How are you?)

"Lafiya, Keh fa?" I asked (I'm Fine, you?0

"Kalau" she replied (Good)

Aliya then dragged me away from her when we finished talking

"Let me take you see Nona" she said

Uh..where's Umar?

"Who's Nona?" I asked

"My grandma" she says with a grin

I'm going to meet his grandma?

She dragged me to a room with big doors

She opened it I saw an old woman sitting on a chair wearing glasses

She was trying to put a straw in a Ribena pack for a little boy standing in front of her

She finally pushed it and she handed it over to him with a smile

"Thank you Nona" he said and he turned to leave and he saw us

He smiled and and he walked to us

"Is this Ya Umar's wife??" He asked

Aliya nodded at him

"She's beautiful" he said

Aww! Everyone seems to be all cute except for Umar

"Ya Hameeda this is Yazid, he's my cousin" Aliya told me

"Hello Yazid, how are you?" I asked

"I'm good" he said smiling at me

I smiled at him before he grinned and he left the room

Aliya dragged me close to her grandma

I sat down at the carpet close to her feet

She smiled at me and she held my hand "I'm happy Umar has gotten a wife for himself, you are indeed beautiful"

This people want to start making me blush, something I never do!!

"Ina wuni" I said (Good Evening)

"Lafiya, ya kike, ya kowa ah gida"  (How are you?, How's everyone at home?)

"Alhamdulillah, Kowa Lafiya" I replied (Everyone's Good)

"I know you would be the person to bring out the best in Umar, for everyone to see, not just a few people" she said

Should I tell all he does is frown at me?


But I mean, Umar's kinda nice, like, I would be there crying my eyes out now if it wasn't because of him

I kept my head bowed down

"Even before he took over this business, we have been wanting him to get married, but he refused, so now that he suddenly came and decided to get married, it was such a shock to all of us, we knew you were definitely the one who took his heart"

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