Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

She tried calling Fin, again and again, but he wouldn't return her calls. She was tempted to go to their apartment and set things straight—with both of them. However, she stopped herself just short, knowing she needed to speak to Fin before she did anything. She was lonely and homesick, especially thinking of the carpet of red and gold leaves that were no doubt covering the front lawn at her childhood home. She squinted as she watched the sunlight stream between the fronds of a palm, pulling her sweatshirt tightly around her on this unusually chilly day. The rest of the Floridians, she noticed, were wearing winter coats already. She laughed aloud at the ridiculous notion of fifty-nine degrees requiring a need for a parka. Twenty-two long, bitter cold winters in the Midwest tend to thicken your skin a bit. If only she could thicken her skin when it came to Fin. A lump formed in her throat as she thought of running into him tomorrow morning at class.

Laney took great care in picking out every aspect of her outfit the next morning, hoping she'd have an opportunity to explain herself to Fin after class. And she wanted to look her very best, so Fin would know exactly what he'd be missing out on. She settled on her favorite jeans that were worn and distressed to perfection. They fitted her perfectly, hugging every curve just right. She coupled it with a fuzzy black close fitting sweater and her brand new hot pink patent leather Dr. Marten boots. She chose her favorite pair of chandelier dangles dripping with tiny rose quartz stones. She put on some clear gloss and stepped back to see the finished product. She now had the necessary confidence to face Fin.

She crossed the classroom, heading straight for the desk next to his. She noticed he didn't raise his gaze as she neared, but continued doodling in his sketchpad oblivious to her presence as she seated herself right next to him.

"Nice boots," he said without looking up.

"Thanks," she said. She was unable to stop the slow smile from spreading across her face. "So about this project." She held her breath as she waited for him to say she needed to find a new partner.

"I guess we'd better meet this week and make some headway." His voice was even, almost expressionless.

She blew out the breath she didn't realize she'd been holding. "Yeah, okay," she said with as much nonchalance as she could muster. After drawing up courage she finished, "And we need to talk."

"About the project? Because as far as I see it, that's the only thing we need to talk about." His eyes flashed to hers, a steely undertone she hadn't noticed before.

"Fin, I..."

"Don't," he interrupted, closing his sketchpad shut with a thump. "Class is starting," he said leaning back in his chair, eyes forward, acting as if he could make her disappear.

"Can you meet this afternoon, at the library?" she whispered.

"Yeah," he answered. "I guess there's no choice since we have nothing prepared."

"Lunch first?" She pushed.

"No," he answered without so much as a glance in her direction.

After class, he looked at her briefly without making eye contact. "I'll meet you in the library in half an hour, okay?"

"Sure." She couldn't help but think how silly it was that they were lunching separately, when just last week they'd spent nearly two hours learning everything about each other over a bistro table inside the student union.

She ate her peanut butter and jelly sandwich as she walked toward the library, stopping for a mocha on the way. She also picked up a latte for Fin. She was already on edge and jittery, and even though she knew the caffeine would only make it worse, she needed the comfort of the chocolaty coffee, warming her from the inside. She stopped by the lavatory to check her reflection before heading up toward the study floor. Her cheeks were pink from the slight chill in the air, adding some color to her normally pale skin. She retrieved her compact from her bag, dabbing some concealer over the freckles that were sprinkled across her nose and cheeks. Another unfortunate effect of living in Florida, she mused, the stubborn skin pigment refusing to be hidden by the ivory powder. She made a mental note to stop by the drugstore on her way home for a heavier make-up to do the job.

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