Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Delaney settled in easily to her old routines at her mother's insistence, the months passing in a blur. By the time she was finished with school and work, she barely had time to think before she collapsed into her bed every evening. The accounting firm was happy to take her back, since they'd never found a replacement for her after she left to work for Shane's family. And she'd been easily able to hide her pregnancy thus far. In the summer months she'd still been small enough not to cast suspicion. The fall had resulted in an assortment of cardigans that were cut just right. However, now it was getting trickier.

"Really mom, my clothes fit fine," Delaney argued. She pulled her too short shirt down over her swollen abdomen.

"Sure, if you're into belly shirts," Rose laughed. She lead the way through the mall toward the maternity store.

"What if someone sees me?" she hissed. She scanned the area for anyone familiar.

Her mom stopped and placed a hand on her shoulder before talking. "Delaney, if anyone sees you they can already tell you're pregnant. They don't need to see you walking into a maternity store to ascertain that." She gave her shoulder a squeeze.

She looked unconvinced. "But..."

"Laney, for heavens sake. It's time. Plus, you've about worn out that old wool sweater you can't seem to part with."

She protectively pulled the cardigan around her, hiding her stomach. She reasoned that Fin's sweater was the only oversized piece of clothing she had to wear that could hide the baby. Of course, it had nothing to do with holding on to a piece of him.

"Plus, you'll look less pregnant, for now anyways, if you're wearing clothes that actually fit properly." She sighed. "And not to mention, Delaney, people are going to see you with a baby soon enough. You definitely won't be able to hide that."

Delaney huffed in defeat, following her mom through the mall like a petulant teenager collecting items in a large carrier bag. She even changed out of her baggy t-shirt into a more fitted, flattering shirt with an empire waist. She had to admit she looked better, however now she really looked pregnant and not just fat—which under normal circumstances would be a good thing.

She shoved the rest of a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie in her mouth as she entered the familiar bookstore. She'd been meaning to stop by and pick up a book on pregnancy, and had headed straight there after her mom had returned to work.

Combing through rack after rack, she finally found the perfect one. It outlined what to expect week by week, something she could have used months ago. Better late than never. Of course, she knew there was a baby growing inside her, but something about seeing exactly what the baby looked like at five months was breathtaking. She traced the outline of the image with her finger as she took in every detail. The tiny little fingers drawn up into a fist, the eyelashes, and the perfect little body curled up into a tight little ball. Instinctively she folded her arm across her belly as she allowed herself to imagine her baby for the first time.

She was due to have her first ultrasound later this week, but hadn't even realized she could learn the gender of her baby. Amazing. She'd spent so much time and energy focusing on the external issues that she hadn't sat down to think about the little person growing inside of her. Anxious to learn all that she could about the developing fetus, she found a squishy armchair and plopped herself down. She read and reread the fifth month. She should begin feeling the baby any day now, according to the literature. Had that been the baby yesterday when she thought she was having muscle spasms? Excitement coursed through her veins.

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