Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"I wish you were here." Delaney paced in circles around her room, her cellphone glued to her ear. "Are you sure you can't fly up for a long weekend? Maybe over Thanksgiving?"

"You know I would if I could," Genna's voice answered. They had been best friends since they were old enough to toddle outside together and had seen each other almost daily until Delaney's mom had relocated them to Florida. Genna sighed loudly. "I saw him yesterday. The new neighbors had to call the police."

Delaney's stomach went into free fall. Unfortunately she didn't need to inquire as to whom Genna was referring. After years of pulling cover-ups and cleaning up messes, she knew. "I wish I were surprised," she said quietly.

"I don't think anyone else noticed. He went quietly when the police arrived."

Genna understood implicitly how embarrassed Delaney was of her father. She was the one person in the world who knew all the details of her unfortunate parentage and didn't judge her for it. With the exception of her mother, of course, and now Fin. Through editing her writing, Fin had become privy to the most intimate details in her life. He had made it very clear to her, time and time again, that she was not responsible for the sins of her father, nor did they affect who she was as a person. However, over one thousand miles away and her dad still had the ability to reach out and squeeze the life out of her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know if I should tell you or not."

"It's fine, Genna, really. I just wish you had nothing to report, that's all."

"We're losing leaves early this year, they're almost all gone," Genna replied. Delaney knew she wanted to change the subject, and she allowed her to. "I bet the palms are gently swaying in the breeze where you are."

"Something like that," Delaney answered, thoughtful.

"Oh! I know what I wanted to ask you. How was your Halloween party? I want to see your costume."

"You know, I didn't even take a picture. I was running late, met the guys there."

"The infamous guys," she said cryptically. "I can't wait to meet them both. It would almost be worth blowing off my family for Thanksgiving dinner."

Delaney laughed.

"I can't even get one decent guy and you have two. So not fair."

"I do not have two boyfriends."

"Sure. Remember when we went through that phase where we watched Sweet Home Alabama every weekend, drooling over Jake? If I learned one thing, it was: 'You can't ride two horses with one ass, sugarbean.' Am I right?"

"It's complicated."

"It always is, especially where there's a choice involved."

"There is no choice, Genna. Shane is a great guy. He comes from a great family, he plans to work for his fathers very successful development business when he graduates next year, he's gorgeous, he's grounded and he's kind. And my nana would have loved him. What more can I say?"

"Maybe that you love him?"

"It's early days, but I could love him. There is so much to love."

"Fair enough. And the other one?"

"Fin." Delaney sighed. "He's an artist. He's passionate, intriguing, thoughtful and honest. He's a risk taker and isn't worried about measuring up to anyone's ideals or expectations."

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