Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

The next day Delaney had a king sized headache complete with a sour stomach. The girls had decided on an impromptu sleepover and encouraged her to sleep in (or sleep it off, more like). Tamara had popped in earlier and brought her some ibuprofen and a cup of hot tea, informing her they were taking the kids to the community pool for a swim. She grabbed for her phone and texted Tamara a reminder to slather the kids in sunscreen. She had a missed message from Fin and despite her better judgment she clicked on it.

"I never thought about how all of this would affect you. I know it must be difficult. I'd like to meet and talk through things so we don't have a repeat of last night."

She groaned as last nights details came flooding to life in her brain. Bugs snooted her before curling alongside her more tightly as if he were trying to comfort her. "What a mess, Bugs. Sometimes I wish I was a dog too, buddy." He licked her hand and nuzzled against her.

"Fine." She texted.

"No hard feelings?"

"Oh, I'm sure there are plenty of those to go around." She threw herself back into her pillows.

"Nice. Can you get a sitter for tonight."


"I'll send you my address. Come around seven and leave your friend Vino at home."

"We've actually had a falling out."

"I'm happy to hear that."


Hours later she parked by an end unit in a large condo complex, rechecking the address before she exited her car. She looked down at herself wishing she'd come in something more presentable than yoga pants and a fitted tee. Her high pony swished side to side as she walked the cement path to the front door. She rang the bell.

Fin answered the door in jean shorts and a tank. "Are we planning to go for a jog?" He smirked.

"That depends on how quickly you chase me out of here, but then again, not very likely in flip flops." She kicked them off on the rug.

"Come in. Coffee? Tea? Water?"

"Water please." She followed him into the small condo. He still had piles of boxes outlining the perimeter of the rooms.

She walked to the sofa and sat back, putting her feet up on the small ottoman. She laid her head back, staring at the ceiling fan as it slowly made revolutions.

"Still suffering the consequences of last night?"

"Perhaps." She accepted the bottle of water he was handing to her.

"Well, I won't keep you long. I thought perhaps we could declare a truce for the sake of everyone."

"And my liver."

He chuckled. "Yes, I suppose that too." He took a sip of his coffee and set the mug on the side table. He seemed to question where to sit and finally joined her by plopping down on the middle cushion right next to her. "I want to start by saying I never even contemplated that you had tried to reach me. It must've been after I threw my phone overboard."

"I figured as much when you first mentioned that."

He sighed. "You must've felt so alone."

"You have no idea." She fought to keep her voice even.

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