Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

"Hmm," he said thoughtfully, his eyes darting back and forth between Delaney and Genna. "And you are?" he asked congenially.

"I'm Genna, the best friend," she said. She smiled broadly as she shook his hand.

"The best friend," he said in a tight voice and then paused.

Laney watched him steal a quick glance in her direction before turning his attention back to Genna. She held her breath and waited for the fall out. "Genna, this is..." She was interrupted.

"I'm Shane, by the way...the boyfriend. Fin would be the best friend. Sharing your title, I suppose.'" He finished, his mouth a tight line that appeared to be tugged up at the corners by an invisible thread. It was his attempt at a forced smile, she surmised.

She watched Genna's face twist into a mask of confusion sprinkled with discomfort. "I'm really sorry to have disturbed you," she said anxiously. "I drove Dee home and wanted to make sure I had a chance to meet you, in case you don't come tomorrow."

"Don't worry about it," he said with all of his composure back in place. "I wasn't sleeping, just getting some work done. Where are my manners? Come in, won't you?" he said. He stepped back, holding the door open in invitation.

"No, no." She backpedaled out of the room and back into the hallway. "You get some rest tonight, tomorrow is going to be a long day." She leaned in to hug Delaney, whispering in her ear. "I'm so sorry." She squeezed her tightly. "Nice to meet you, Shane. See you tomorrow, Dee."

She reluctantly turned away from the door and followed Shane into the room. Did the accommodations seem so small earlier? Probably not, since the need to hide hadn't yet presented itself.

"You're friend seemed nice," he said casually. He threw himself onto the bed pulling the crisp white sheets over his legs. "She calls you Dee?"

"Yeah, she's great," she said, cringing. "That's what she's called me from the time we were babies. She couldn't pronounce my name for the longest time." She could feel the muscles in her neck bunching and tightening, bringing her shoulders up to approximately ear level

"So, you had some time to catch up?" he asked. There was just a hint of derision in his otherwise purposely controlled voice.

"A little. It was a pretty difficult day, seeing my dad and all," Delaney said. She opted to use the only leverage she had. She almost felt guilty for playing the despondent daughter card, but self-preservation took over as panic set it.

His demeanor changed at once, almost as if she'd announced a magical turn phrase akin to 'abracadabra' or 'bibbity bobbity boo'. He stood, the sheets falling in a puddle on the carpet and folded her in his arms. "Oh, babe. I'm sorry, it must've been a terrible day for you." He rocked her slowly side to side. "Why don't you get changed and come lay down. I'm sure you could use the rest."

And she breathed a sigh of relief. Sure, she knew it was the coward's way out, but she didn't know what to say, about any of it, and that wasn't going to change in the next few minutes.

"You're right," she said, stifling a yawn. "I'm exhausted."

Within fifteen minutes she was brushed, washed and changed—hiding under the sheets next to Shane. "Goodnight," she called. She rolled to her side facing the windows, away from him, drawing her knees up to her chest. And she stayed in the same position for what seemed to be an eternity, pretending to be asleep, until—finally—she was.

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