Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Delaney was waiting by the back door greeting friends and family as they filtered in. She blanched when she saw Shane heading toward her, realizing for the first time that he may not be as pleased to see Fin as she was. A quick glance in the viewing room revealed Fin and Genna sitting in the front row, chatting. A nervous knot formed in her stomach. She quickly tried to decide between telling him about Fin's arrival and letting him walk in unaware.

"Sorry I'm late." He bent to kiss her. He handed her a small packet of tissues. "I thought...just in case you need them."

Her heart swelled at the kind gesture. "Thank you, Shane. Is your head feeling any better?"

"A little. Where should I sit?"

Here it was. The moment she'd been dreading. "Um." She stalled.

Shane peered into the room behind her, his expression souring the moment he laid eyes on Fin despite his best intentions at remaining stoic.

"Guess who was able to make it? Isn't it great?" She said brightly. "When Genna and I pulled up Fin was waiting by the front door. He must've talked to my mom."

"Ok, I'll go have a seat with them. Unless you'd like me to wait back her with you."

"I'll be up there in just a moment. Thanks, Shane. For everything."

Delaney watched the situation play out as Shane moved toward the front row. He went in the side, walking straight toward Fin. His expression gave nothing away as he greeted his old friend with a warm hug. Delaney noted that when Shane sat he left a perfect sized spot for her right in the middle of both of them.

The funeral lunch was awkward and Delaney was happy to be done with all of her obligations. She'd felt perfectly safe and protected during the service, nestled in between Shane and Fin. The luncheon proved more awkward as she had to be conscious of dividing her time equally between all of her friends. Quite frankly, she was exhausted. She felt relieved when Genna invited them to her house to unwind and relax.

"So, I know you don't want to hear this," she began, but was quickly interrupted.

"Then don't say it," Delaney said.

"Real friends don't spare feelings, Dee, you know that good and well." Genna glanced at her with a small smile. "We're currently driving to my house with both of your men trailing behind us."

"They're not..."

"Yeah, whatever. I'm just glad my parents are in Arizona so I don't have to explain who they are." She chuckled.

Genna pulled into her driveway. "So, let me get this straight. Fin drove all the way here from Florida to be here for the funeral?"

"Yes," Delaney said.

"And he drove through the night?"


"And you're just friends?"


Genna arched a brow at Delaney. "Where is he staying tonight? In your hotel room?"
Delaney blanched. "Um, no, I think that may be a little too weird. I hadn't thought about it, actually."

"He's welcome to stay the night here in the guest room in the basement, if he's comfortable with that."

"Thanks, Genna. I'll mention it to him."

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