Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Delaney was torn between giving Fin space to process things and the desire to grovel nonstop. She tried to strike a balance between the two and sent him a text after three days of radio silence. "I'm sorry. I know that's a flimsy, pathetic excuse, but I am. Everything just kept rolling forward and I didn't know how to stop it. Somewhere along the way I convinced myself I was actually doing the right thing, even though deep down I knew I wasn't." She hit send and was immediately met with a response.

"I want to get to know him."

A muffled sob escaped her. Her fingers flew furiously over the keyboard. "Of course."

"And I want him to know I'm his father."

A lump formed it her throat. She started typing. "Definitely, but please let him get to know you first, let it be natural." Before she hit send Fin sent another text.

"Obviously not right away."

She breathed a sigh of relief and deleted her last response. "Ok."

"I found a place nearby. I've already moved."


"Yes, seriously. I have a son that I've missed years with. I'm not losing any more time."

Fresh tears streamed down her cheeks. "I'm so sorry."

"Please quit saying that, it's not helping anything."

She swallowed hard. "I don't know what else to say."

"You don't need to say anything more. Just because we share a child doesn't mean we need to share anything else."

She blanched at his directness. Her fingers trembled as she replied. "Of course." A fresh tear slipped down her cheek as she hit send. "You tell me when and where."

"I was thinking the beach. They could play and it might be more comfortable."


"You can bring Aislinn too. It would be better that way, I think."

"Do you want me to send Tara and Tamara with the kids?"

There was a long pause. She waited with baited breath for his answer. "No, we're adults. And we're going to have to learn to deal with this anyway, it's not like our situation will be going away."


"This afternoon?"

Delaney was reeling from the emotional turmoil and she couldn't even begin to imagine what Fin was feeling. "Yes, that will be fine."

"I'll come pick you up at three?"

"It'll be easier if I drive. Car seats." She began typing again. "Meet us here."

"3:00 it is."

The children were slathered in sunscreen and had the totes filled with their favorite beach toys. Delaney handed them their cover-ups before lugging the totes and soft cooler onto the front porch. She was hoisting her large beach bag over her shoulder as she looked up to see Fin pulling in front of her house. He looked entirely different than the Fin she was accustomed to. He appeared laid back in board shorts and a t-shirt and was also wearing sunglasses and stubble. She realized she'd never seen Fin looking scruffy, but decided at once she liked it.

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