Chapter 23

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Part Two: Upside Down and Inside Out

Chapter 23

"Okay, enough of this already. It has to stop." Genna stood with her hands planted firmly on her hips, staring her friend down. Delaney was in the fetal position on the bed were she had spent the last few weeks—that is when she wasn't on the couch with her knees drawn up to her chest, subtly rocking for comfort. "I know you're hurt. I know he broke your heart—but, you have to admit some responsibility in this as well. I think as soon as you are able to do that, maybe just maybe, you can start to heal."

"I don't want to heal. I deserve to be miserable," Delaney said. She pulled the throw over her head.

"Look at you, Dee, you're a mess. You haven't showered in days. And you've not managed to get out of pajamas in over two weeks. And what about your schoolwork? Are you keeping up on that or are you just going to let everything go to hell?"

"Nice sympathy, friend," Delaney said. Her voice was laced with irritation.

"Friend? Of course I'm your friend, Dee. I'm trying to help you, to keep you from ruining your life."

"It's already ruined," she barked.

"Oh, no. Don't even go there. Things can always get worse. Always."

"God help me, then. Because supposedly He won't give you more than you can handle—and I can't handle this!" A muffled sob escaped her lips. "Did you know I called him again? Well, called him another twenty times, more like. He still won't answer my calls. He won't even text me."

Her tone was gentle. "Honey, did you expect more? Isn't that exactly what he told you he was going to do?"

"He can't do this to us," she said. Her voice broke as she tried to control the emotion. She was so tired of crying. Wasn't there a point when there wouldn't be any tears left? Because there sure seemed to be an immeasurable and endless supply of them.

"Dee, I'm so sorry for you. I hate to see you this destroyed. But at some point you need to be strong and try to pull yourself together, and get on with your life." Her voice was soft and comforting, causing a new wave of tears. Genna sat on the side of the bed and pulled Delaney up into an embrace. "Please, try. Try for me."

"I am trying."

"You have to forget about him. Stop dwelling on the past, and what could've been," she said quietly. She pushed Delaney back by the shoulders, watching her, measuring her closely. "Look, I know you wouldn't want me to call your mom, but you're scaring me, Delaney."

"No. You didn't call her did you? Promise me you didn't, I couldn't stand to have her here putting her two cents in, telling me how I ruined everything. I already know I ruined everything—I don't need my nose rubbed in it."

"I really think maybe you should consider," she paused taking a deep breath. "Well, consider seeing someone then."

"Someone who?" She bristled.

"A grief counselor. I don't know how to help you and you sure as heck can't seem to help yourself."

Her eyes shot wide open. "A grief counselor? Are you out of your mind! I don't need a counselor."

"Yeah, obviously," Genna said sarcastically. "Look at you, you're the picture of mental health."

Delaney glared at her.

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