Konoha Revelations

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When Sakura showed up at the Oto gates, with a Nara and two Hyuuga's, the guards promptly tripped over their own feet trying to run and tell Orochimaru.

The four of them waited patiently, watching the gate guards make complete fools of themselves.

When Kabuto showed up to escort them to the Kage Tower, he did a double take. It seems that the guards hadn't seen fit to tell him about the other three.

Sakura smiled. "I brought some reinforcements."

Kabuto only nodded, not sure what to make of the three prominent clan members.

"Wanna take bets on the shit storm that is no doubt going on in Konoha right now?" Shikamaru asked.

Sakura snorted. "I know better than to make bets with you, Shika. You have an annoying habit of winning."

Shikamaru only smirked.

"I can only imagine how upset the Hyuuga's are right now. Hinata got away without getting the caged bird," Sakura said.

Neji downright cackled. "I would pay to see the Elders sweat that one out. And now that we are under your jurisdiction, they can't do anything about it."

Hinata giggled. "Th-they are probably trying to f-find a way to drag me back, kicking and screaming," she mumbled.

"Like we will let that happen, Hinata," Sakura said with a roll of her eyes.

Meanwhile, In Konoha

"What do you mean, they're gone?" An elder snapped at Hiashi.

"Quite simple. They got tired of you, and they left."

Hiashi would never admit it out loud, but he was getting a good laugh out of this. Served them right.

"We have to get them back!" One of the elders yelled.

"If you would like to go and find them, and then fight two Hyuuga prodigies, Sakura Haruno, and a Nara, then go right ahead," he said, inwardly laughing. None of them knew. They didn't have a clue.

"What do you mean?" One of the male elders asked.

"Quite simple really. Neji taught Hinata everything she knows, as well as the lessons that I myself gave her. Hinata is as good, if not better, than Neji."

"But she's just a wallflower!"

"I would kindly remind you that you are speaking of my daughter," Hiashi hissed. Several of the elders edged away from him.

"Daughter or not, she and Neji both abandoned the village. They need to be brought back to face the consequences," another elder said.

"Then you had better prepare for battle, because Nara and Haruno are not to be taken lightly."

The elders only scoffed. Hiashi himself, well, he had a nice laugh on the inside.

Meanwhile, in another compound on the other side of the village, a similar conversation was occurring.

"He left?" A Nara elder asked.

Shikaku nodded. "He never wanted to be the clan head, and he saw his way out, whatever that may be."

"But he has to be the clan head!" another yelled.

"No he doesn't. Yoshino is pregnant. It was unplanned, but Shikamaru obviously left because he knew that the clan would be in good hands. I would warn against following him, or trying to find him. The boy is slippery on a good day. On a bad day, he's impossible to find, and even more impossible to deal with. Where do you think the Nara's get their reputation from?"

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