The Lead Up

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By the time the Konoha shinobi with the Suna and Ame add-ons made it to the Hokage Tower, the others were already there, with a larger group. There were several more masked ANBU standing in Sakura's ranks, as well as another Kage standing with her. The Mizukage had arrived with her own contingent, Ao and Choujuro standing with her. Her own village was still recovering from its past, so she didn't have many genin to offer, or even jounin to train them, but those that she brought gave off an aura of power that wasn't easily ignored.

Sakura had her ranks form up next to the Konoha nin, followed shortly by those from Suna, Ame, and Mizu. The Konoha forces watched this new development with varying looks of interest and suspicion. Especially Sakura's forces, covered head to toe in their ANBU gear.

The Kages of the five villages ascended the tower, reaching the top and looking down at the men and women that were about to go to battle. Many were confused at the call to muster, looking around and asking others. As the Kages came to the edge of the building, to the railing, a hush fell over the crowd and they all looked to the five leaders.

Kakashi was the first to speak. "We have been betrayed."

Mutters were heard in the ranks.

"Our elders have betrayed us, thinking to take power for themselves. They have conspired with people thought dead. They have caused a string of events reaching back well over a decade. The Kyuubi, the Uchiha massacre, Akatsuki, they can all be traced back to one individual, who ultimately had the help of two others. Danzo Shimura. And our elders."

Shouts broke out in the crowd. Outrage. How could their own elders do such a thing?

"We have weathered all of these storms. We have weathered them, with heavy losses and heavy hearts. Today we found out about yet another attempt."

Stunned silence.

"Today we will be going to battle with Stone and Cloud, because one man saw fit to try and take the power of all bijuu for himself, killing the containers in the process."

People turned to Naruto and Gaara, the two known jinchuuriki.

"We will not let this happen. Danzo, in his madness, planned to double cross these two villages to obtain their bijuu. But he has promised our destruction. We cannot let this happen."

Shouts of agreement were heard from the crowd.

"We have our allies here to help us, powerful allies who will lay down their lives to help us. Ame, Oto, Suna, and Mizu are our allies. They came to us with an alliance already in place and have brought us into the fold."

"Why would they help us?" yelled a genin before their jounin sensei could stop them.

A chuckle came from both the Otokage and the Amekage.

"An Uzumaki will always help their brethren," he said, removing the Kage hat shielding his features. Dark red hair fell over Rinnegan eyes.

Gasps were heard in the ranks. They turned to Naruto who nodded to the Amekage, a small smile on his face.

"As for me, well I couldn't leave my old village at the mercy of that leech and his minions."

As the hat came off of the Otokage and her pink hair was revealed, the crowd fell into a stunned silence.

"And I figured that if we were going to be fighting bijuu and Kages, I might as well bring some help."

With a wicked grin she gestured to eleven of her shinobi that were separate from the rest of her ranks. They came to her side before standing at attention.

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