Konoha Crazy

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Shisui looked at her, startled. "The Uchiha that died at Kanabi Bridge?"

"Yeah. But it seems that he's not so dead. He gave Kakashi his sharingan. Kakashi never forgave himself for what happened to his team. When Rin jumped in front of his Chidori to keep the Sanbi from reaching Konoha he never really recovered. He took ANBU suicide missions but he always came back alive. When Minato died soon after that, well, I've heard from Gai that he wouldn't leave his apartment for weeks."

Sakura cringed, thinking of her sensei trying to get himself killed. It upset her that her friends were suffering as much as she had.

"What?" Obito asked, removing his mask for the first time in years. Several of the Akatsuki members stared at him in shock.

"Kakashi has been suicidal for many years now. Shisui was on his ANBU team. You can ask him."

Shisui nodded. "Kakashi approached every mission as if it was his last. The only reason he survived was because the others kept it from happening."

"But Kanabi wasn't his fault. And now that I know what happened with Rin, I can't really fault him for that either. I was angry with him for a long time after I found out about Rin, but I've gotten past it. It's in the past. Kakashi never did well with death. His dad's death really wrecked him."

"Wait. Wait a second. You're telling me that Tobi is really Obito Uchiha?" Deidara asked, pissed that the man had put on the goofy front.

"Yes. And from the feel of it, he's extremely powerful," Tobirama added.

"I was trained by Madara. I left when he got crazier than normal."

Tobirama's eyes sharpened, narrowing at the information.

"Aniki killed him."

"Nearly killed him. He somehow managed to survive. He survived off some freaky connection to some tree. I made sure to cut him off from it when I left. His plans for the world were even more extreme than Pein's."

"What do you mean?" Tobirama asked, alarmed.

"Eternal genjutsu over the entire world sort of crazy. Like I said, fucking crazy," Obito explained. "He's got a grudge against Konoha for siding with you and your brother. Seems to think that the only way to fix it is to put everyone in a permanent dream state."

Tobirama groaned, rubbing his face. "That ancestor of yours was always nuts, but this is getting out of hand. The use of that particular genjutsu would kill everyone. And we didn't turn the village against him. For whatever reason, the man thought that we were turning everyone against him and the others. I tried to explain that he needed to see one of the Yamanaka's to verify what damage the mangekyo had done to his state of mind, but he thought that I was singling him out."

"Yeah, he said as much. He reeaaalllyy doesn't like Senju's."

"He's an idiot," Sakura muttered.

"A crazy, powerful, idiot. We had better hope that he stays dead this time around."

"You Konoha ninja sure know how to do crazy, un," Deidara muttered.

Sakura snorted. "You don't know the half of it, Deidara-san."

The blonde looked at her oddly. "Look. their jinchuuriki is an overpowered idiot with equally powerful parents. Everyone treated him like shit, tried to kill him, all to kill the fox inside of him. What they didn't realize was that killing him would only unleash it. Then you have the Sannin. I don't even need to explain the crazy that went into that. You also have the Uchiha Clan, which was a whole cluster fuck of crazy-" she was cut off by Obito.


"I resent that," Shisui stated.

"It's also true. Prime example: Sasuke. The kid is hell bent on being an avenger. And then you have Madara. Back to the village as a whole. Danzo. The man has no idea what normal is. Actually no that I think about it, Pein, you might want to take a look into him. He had dealings with Hanzo, and I know that he was a catalyst for all of this. And then I don't even want to get started on Tobirama and his brother. If you saw the two interact on a regular basis you would understand. How Hiruzen didn't end up losing it while Tobirama was his sensei is beyond me."

Tobirama threw her a glare. "Not my fault that Aniki is a man child."

This caused Shisui and Sakura to break into laughter.

"You are all nuts," Hidan finally spoke.

"Says the man that sacrifices people to please his god. Seriously Hidan, some of those rituals are downright twisted."

"Says puppet boy," Hidan shot back.

"Says everyone," Deidara said.

Hidan just rolled his eyes.

"This Danzo person, would the Hokage hand him over?" Pein asked. Ah, it seems that he already knows what had happened.

Sakura shook her head. "Tsunade is hell bent on dealing with it herself. She would probably allow for you to question him on the issue though."

"How long do you think she can hold him?" Konan asked, looking very pissed off.

"Indefinitely. I have to stay away from Konoha and show them that I mean no harm while getting my village on its feet. I was planning to send some genin teams in a couple years when the chunin exams are in Konoha again. It would give us the time, and then we would be able to show that it would be a mistake to attack us."

Pein looked thoughtful, before nodding. "That will do. As long as she can keep him captive."

Sakura snorted. "Shiro isn't likely to let the man anywhere near the light of day anytime soon."

Sakura summoned another owl, telling him to pass on the word to Tsunade that Danzo was to be kept alive until the Konoha chunin exams. She pleaded her case as best as she could, and then sent to owl off.

"Ame will make sure to have genin teams ready for the exams. In two year's time, we will our villages will show the world what the small countries are capable of."

"Remember to think about what I said, Pein. Peace is not brought on by fear, it is brought by working hard toward understanding."

Pein nodded. The meeting broke up and Obito came over to stand with the other three.

"Itachi, I will need Shisui's eye back," Sakura stated. Itachi nodded, summoning a crow and retrieving the eye. He handed it to Shisui, with a clap on the back. "Stay safe, cousin."

Shisui nodded. And then Obito was taking them back to the village.

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