Karin Arrives

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Ohnoki grumbled something under his breath, but Sakura just caught the end of the order, " . . . kill him."

And just like that she was mad as hell and ready to fight every Kami damned shinobi on the planet if it meant protecting her own.

"What the fuck did you just say?"

Her eyes were glowing again, her power swelling around her, suffocating, as she aimed her chakra enhanced eyes on the aging Kage.

"That boy is a menace. He is a wanted criminal in every nation."

"I don't see a criminal in the vicinity, do you Gaara, Mei?"

"No," Gaara stated simply, a dangerous smile on his face, his sand swirling around his feet.

"Not a single one, Sakura-chan," Mei chirped. "Well, unless you count the two idiots in front of you."

Deidara gave a weak snort from the ground.

The Raikage made a move to start a fight, but before he could do anything, chains were again wrapping around him. "Don't even try it you over-electrified hippo," a woman Sakura's age with red hair and eyes and glasses snapped. The chains had come from her. She nodded to the other two ANBU standing next to Minato and Tobirama and they nodded back.

"You two fuckers come to this village, you take out the fucking wall, you try to steal their bijuu, and you didn't even know who you were fighting against. One, that is seriously stupid. Two, you should realize that this close to the exams, Gaara was going to be in Konoha to see Naruto. No one is that stupid. And then on top of that you don't think that maybe, maybe, it might not be a good idea to attack a village that has two livingKages, but also a Kage in training that is so far beyond your power level that you can't even begin to fathom it. And the trainee and bijuu container is an UZUMAKI! Fuck, I thought Sakura's village had some stupid fuckers in it, but your two villages are lead by the stupidest of the stupid!"

The red-head throws her hands up in the air in exasperation, muttering under her breath as she paces in front of the two Kages that are currently hog tied in chains sprouting from her back.

Shisui is the first to crack, followed very quickly by Obito. They burst out laughing, leaning on each other behind Sakura. The rest from Sakura's village soon follow, the other village's watching on in utter confusion.

"Who the fuck are you?" the Raikage manages to spit out.

"Honestly? I'm your worst nightmare dude."

"Karin," Neji sighs, exasperated but relieved, as he lands next to his Kage. He takes in the scene around him, his eyes showing anguish at the loss of Sasori.

"Neji-kun." Karin smiles at the man, her eyes softening.

"What did Sakura and I tell you about yelling at the foreigners?" Neji asks, affection and not a little teasing in his voice.

"They're assholes, Neji."

"We all know that, love, but that doesn't mean you get to hog tie them and yell at them until you're blue in the face."

"What if I said it was for the safety of the village's future?" Karin asked, trying to worm her way out of being dressed down in public by her soulmate.

Neji raised a brow.

"Well, you see, they made Sakura really mad, and she was starting to really flux her chakra and well . . ." she looks at her Kage, trailing off.

Sakura looks at her. Well, this wasn't how she wanted it to come out, but fuck it. She sighed in defeat and shrugged.

"And well, it's not good for the babies," Karin said, ending it almost as a question.

People immediately whirled to Sakura, who looked quite defeated at this point.

"Look, I wasn't doing anything crazy. I didn't even go full power. So all of you can jump off a cliff if you think I wasn't taking precautions. I had my chakra armor at full power. No one would have managed to get a hit on me anyway."

"MORE UZUMAKI BABIES!" one of the masked ANBU women squealed before launching herself at the pinkette.

"Oh, for fuck's sake, I'm only like a quarter Uzumaki, Kushina. I barely count. Gaara is more Uzumaki than I am."

"Holy shit, there's more of them," a Stone shinobi muttered in horror.

Sakura gave a truly horrifying smile. "More than you think. And you just killed one of ours in Sasori. Do you know what Uzumaki's do to those that have killed their family?"

Kakashi shunshined in next to Sakura and smacked a hand over her mouth. "We don't need an actual war Sakura."

"They wouldn't survive an actual war with us, Kakashi-sama," Karin stated simply. "Our village alone could deter all of the nations. That does not even take into consideration actually taking the war to them."

Gaara nodded at this, as did Nagato and Mei. Kakashi gulped.

"That's not possible. No village has that power," Ohnoki said.

Sakura gestured for all of her forces to form up in the square that they were assembled in. "Right here alone, Ohnoki, I have enough to deter all of the forces that you brought with you today, plus the forces that Danzo had working for him."

Sakura turned. "Unmask."

"Are you sure, Sakura-sama?"

"The only people that aren't allies are the two men here. Otherwise, we are tied by blood to the rest of the villages. Gaara, Mei, Nagato, Naruto, and me, we are all cousins of some sort. Some distant Uzumaki relations. And Uzumaki's stick together. There will be no more problems."

Slowly, those in her ranks unmasked, revealing men and women of varying backgrounds, records, and dates of supposed death.

Sakura heard several people choke on their own spit as faces were revealed.

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