The Rescue

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"Holy shit," Ibiki whispered.

The temperature had dropped a solid ten degrees when the three had suddenly appeared, and when the KI had been unleashed, some of the less seasoned in the room had been brought to their knees.

Danzo remained silent, a small smirk on his face.

Sakura snarled. "Kakashi, how angry will you be if we level a block of the industrial district?"

"You won't do it," Danzo managed to croak.

"You don't know me Danzo. I would do quite a lot for my clansmen."

That particular sentence drained the man of color.


"Shisui and I are married. As matriarch of the Uchiha clan in Oto, I would do quite a lot for my fellow Uchiha. Don't push me."

"Fuck," Inoichi muttered.

Shikaku merely nodded.

"As a soulmate of a fellow Uchiha, she is by all rights, a fellow Uchiha. Do you know what that means, Danzo?"

Obito started laughing. He loved it when Sakura got angry.

"It means, that you are holding an Uchiha captive. By all rights, I could level Konoha just for that. Tell me where she is, or I will have Minato and Naruto find her by sense and Rasengan, and believe me, that is much more destructive."

Minato gave a particularly nasty looking grin.

"She is in the main ROOT compound. Sai can show you. There is a tunnel hidden behind my office that leads to her holding cell," Danzo finally said.

Faster than anyone could blink, Minato had grabbed Sakura and Obito again, Kakashi grabbing on at the last second.

Ibiki looked to Danzo, who had slumped to the ground. "You're going to have hell to pay when they get back."

They reappeared in the abandoned building and Sakura immediately turned to Sai. "I need you to lead us to the main ROOT compound to Danzo's office. There is a tunnel behind his office that leads to a holding cell. Rin Nohara is being held there. Minato sensed her because she houses the three tails."

Several of the men took sharp intakes of breath. "Shit. Obito's soulmate?"

Sakura nodded. "This is a rescue mission. We do not know how we will find her. I need two of you to go to the hospital and find Tsunade and Shizune. Tell them that we may have a critical patient, and to be waiting. The rest of you, station yourselves between wherever Sai leads us to, and the hospital entrance to run interference."

Kisame and Itachi immediately peeled off, heading for the hospital.

The others followed as Sai lead them to the entrance of the compound, which happened to be near the academy. After that, Sai, Sakura, and Team Minato took off into the compound, the others peeling off to station themselves on the route to the hospital.

Due to the thinning in the ranks that they had done over the years, they didn't run in to too many operatives, and when they did Sai took care of them quickly.

They reached the office quickly enough, and then made quick work of the trip mechanism that revealed the hidden tunnel. It was dark and dank, smelling of mold. Sakura shivered. It was cold down here.

When they reached the end of the tunnel the sight that met them just about sent Sakura over the edge.

Rin Nohara lay on a cot, hair tangled, pale and thin, but alive. Remarkably, alive.

"Rin!" Obito's voice rasped from behind her.

Sakura broke the lock mechanism and rushed to the cot. She checked the woman's vitals and found them strong. It seemed that the three tails was taking care of its host. Sakura sent a wave of chakra through the woman, assessing her. However she may look, the woman was still strong. It appeared that she had only recently gotten sick, which explained the pallor. Otherwise she was healthy. Strong, even.

"She's okay, Obito. Just sick. It appears that whatever plans they had for her, it required that she be healthy. She only recently got sick. She is running a fever though, and whatever is causing it is sucking all of her energy."

Obito let out a shaky sigh and Minato and Kakashi gave watery smiles.

"We need to get her to the hospital to have Tsunade look at her."

With a nod, Obito picked up Rin from the cot and cradled her to his chest. Rin subconsciously shifted closer, shivering in the cold. Obito gave her a small smile.

The trip to the hospital was fast and without incident, and when they burst through the front doors of the hospital with Rin in Obito's arms Tsunade and Shizune just barely managed to keep the shock off their faces. The two women and Kisame took Rin into one of the emergency rooms and took their time examining her. When they came out an hour later, the entirety of the Oto contingent was standing in the waiting room, along with Kakashi.

"She's going to be fine. She had a severe case of chakra exhaustion and a fever. She will probably wake up in a few hours."

Breathes of relief were released all around. "Can we wait in her room?" Obito asked.

Tsunade nodded. "Just don't overwhelm her when she wakes up, okay?" Team Minato nodded before making their way into the room.

Kisame walked back over to Sakura. "I want to beat Danzo into the ground."

Sakura snorted. "Join the club."

She looked out the windows. It was nearing midday. She sighed.

"I guess we should get back to what the original plan was, huh?"

Neji and Hinata heaved huge sighs. "I guess."

Sakura looked around at everyone with her. They all looked tired.

"If you all want to go back to the hotel and relax, that's fine. This really only involves the five of us that were in Konoha before, plus the Uchihas."

Deidara shook his head. "Not with all of the shit that's going on, Sakura. We know that you're more than capable of taking care of yourselves but we would feel better if we were with you."

Sakura smiled. She really did love her boys.

"Okay then. Let's get all this political bullshit over with."

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