Ch. 12

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'Everything okay?' Zain stopped one of his employees who was discussing one of his clients during a staff meeting and looked at me when he noticed that my phone kept vibrating. My mother was calling me.

'I am's from home it must be urgent...if you excuse me' I quickly grabbed my phone and went outside the meeting room. Feeling tensed I quickly called back my mother to find out why she kept calling me.

'Hello...Mama, I am in a everything okay?' I asked her right away as soon as she picked the call.

'Yes...everything is fine...I didn't know you were in a meeting. I just wanted to inform you that I talked to the lady I was telling you about and she has suggested a nice boy for you from a very nice and well-educated family. She asked me for your picture and I sent it to her. The mother of a boy liked you very much and she wants to come to see you.' She kept going and I walked further away from the meeting room, feeling rushed and unsatisfied with how fast everything was moving. 

'You should have asked me before sending my picture Mama...and besides didn't we agree that we will discuss this matter after graduation' I argued.

'Your graduation is coming up soon anyway, besides the lady said that this family is very well to do and I didn't want you to miss this chance. Look at Sana's parents, how smartly they fixed her marriage.' She replied. There was no winning in this conversation. My mother had made up her mind.

'Why did you call me then, it seems like you have already taken a step for me without asking me about it' I couldn't help myself, I was so upset with this whole topic of marriage. 

'Don't worry, this is for your best...okay, I am getting a call the boy's mother again, she will tell me when she can come to our house...bye' With that she ended the call, leaving me in a complete horrific state. I felt like a deal was being fixed without my consent in the matter. Was I even ready for marriage, to start a family, to commit to someone?

'Maya' I heard a clear voice coming from behind and I turned around and saw Zain looking at me, calling me from the meeting room.

'Yes...coming' I rushed back inside.

'You're okay?' I heard him say in a low voice as I walked past him to my seat. I silently nodded and returned to my seat, looking everywhere but him. Why not him, I didn't know maybe because I knew that if he sees me...really looks at me, he'll maybe catch what I am thinking and I didn't want that.

After the meeting, I checked my phone and saw a text from my mother, informing me that the boy and his family will be coming on Friday to see me. I didn't reply back and put my phone away from my sight.

'What's the progress?' Zain entered the room hours after the meeting and went straight to the coffeemaker to make himself a cup of dark coffee. I was busy responding to my work emails.

'PD day?' I asked him and he nodded.

'I booked the presenters for two workshops in the morning...then there will be lunch and in the afternoon, I was thinking about everyone just hanging out...socializing.' I told him.

'Hanging out?' He turned to the side and stared at me.

'Yes...just talk maybe...we call all watch a movie here or something' I looked down when I said that, feeling not so confident with my reply as before.

'Movie...which one?' I heard him ask instead.

'I don't know...we can take a vote and whichever movie wins...we'll watch that' I suggested.

'Hmm...okay send out an email about that to all the staff...let's get a few suggestions first' He agreed and went to his table to continue with his work.

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