Ch. 28 (Zain's POV)

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'Why did you send her the flowers?' I was beyond angry. How could she do this when I told her that I'll take care of it? She had no right to do this without my permission.

'Why are you so angry Zain...I am just playing along' Sumaiya answered slyly over facetime.

'Stay away from her Sumaiya...none of it was her fault' I yelled at her. I finished playing the game a long time ago but Sumaiya wasn't. She wanted to finish the game that I started without realizing how much it was going to cost me.

'I knew this was going to are a hypocrite can you easily forget about what she did to Haider' She said to me accusingly.

'She had nothing to do with it' I shouted back.

'She has everything to do with it...first it was Haider and now you're all obsessed with her. What is so special about her Zain?' She bawled.

'I told you everything about her, I have kept an eye on her...she hasn't done anything' I lowered my voice. I hated that we were having this conversation over the phone rather than in person. I should have spoken to her before coming on this trip. Everything was becoming a tangled web, just when I thought I was finally getting out, I got caught into something else. 

'No that's not a man and admit the truth Zain...tell me that you are going to go back on your words because you have fallen in love with her...I should have known...the day you brought her to the party...I saw the way you looked at her...but you made me believe you when I questioned said it was all part of the plan...none of this was part of the think you're going to buy a ring for her and I am not going to find out?' She spilled, looking at me like I was a traitor.

'You don't know anything...I am done with this and I are going to talk once I come back from my trip...until then stay away from Maya...I mean it' I warned her.

'Fine but remember who you are and why you started this Zain...don't try to ditch me' She ended the call without hearing me out. I threw my phone away hating myself more and more every single day. Maya was right, I was selfish. I was selfish for her. How could I want her so bad despite what happened to my friend because of her? The meeting that started out with a planned move turned so unpredictable along the way that all the rights and wrongs started to merge into one for me.

Haider and I weren't just roommates, we were brothers. Sumaiya, Haider and I all studied together. We knew Haider was in love with someone but we knew just the name, Maya. The day before Haider died, he told me he was going to tell her that he loves her. The next day I found him dead on our bathroom floor. Maya was responsible for his death or that's what I thought before actually meeting with her...before getting to know her.

We tried to find out about Maya and a few years later we finally found out about her college. I purposefully went to attend the lecture so I can meet with her. She seemed just so regular. What was so special about her? What did Haider find so hard to resist about her? As if God had a plan for me, she turned out to my neighbor. A girl that I used to play with when I was young before my family moved away. She was my Maya. The girl who I had completely forgotten about but as soon as I saw her again at her house for dinner all the memories of our past came back as if it all happened yesterday. I couldn't believe how small this world was...what were the odds?

To keep an eye on her I offered her a placement at my company. I started out hating her already but a part of me always wanted to keep her from trouble. I was going insane over her. I was going crazy. My mind was playing games on me every time I looked at her. The day she stayed back at the office for me and looked after me after my panic attack and nosebleed, I almost forgot that she was the same girl that took away Haider from us. At that moment she was just Maya. Slowly things started to change...the day she came to Sumaiya's product launch was the worst. I hated seeing how her cousin or any other men was reacting towards Maya. I hated when other men looked at her. That day got a thousand times worse when she told me that she was about to get married soon. It did something to me. I felt as if I was a fish out water...completely helpless, unable to breathe in peace.

Since that day onwards everything just happened without a proper plan in mind. Yes, I wanted to hurt her...I wanted to break her heart so bad but I couldn't. I couldn't. I was whipped. I had fallen in love with Maya...truly, unconditionally, boundlessly. The day I took her to the greenhouse I wanted to tell her the whole truth about me. I wanted to ask her about Haider but I was too afraid. I lost my motive a long time ago because whenever I saw her nothing else mattered.

I broke all the promises that I made for her. I broke myself to keep her from breaking. But I was a traitor and that was causing an endless turmoil inside of me. I wanted to start a fresh life but that meant cutting ties with everything from the past. Maya was waiting for me and Sumaiya's words and Haider's death was lingering unto my conscious. But Maya wasn't responsible for Haider's death. Haider's love for Maya was quietly unrequited. I asked Anum about Maya to find out if she was in a relationship or liked anyone or had someone that liked her but she didn't even mention Haider. I even spoke to Haider's parents and his sibling that was closest to him but no one mentioned anything about Maya. How could Haider's death be on Maya's shoulder? I knew a simple way was to ask her but something inside of me kept holding me back, I guess I knew that once the truth comes out, nothing will be the same. I was trying to delay the time, scared to face the moment of truth. But if I was going to begin a new life with had to start with a clean slate. I had to tell her the truth. I had to obtain closure for Haider no matter what was at stake...even if it was my love. 


I'll give you a moment to absorb that lol, some of you were quite smart and knew something was off ...I love my readers!

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Catch you next week Thursday

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