Ch. 42

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'Why do you only have light color dresses?' Zain asked me when I asked him to pick a dress for me to wear at tonight's dinner. Our family was invited for dinner at Zeeshan's Bhai house. Zeeshan Bhai actually ended up canceling his trip and came to our house the very next day and asked to talk to Anum in front of everyone. He talked to Zain's father and told him that he was interested in marrying his daughter and gave us time to think about this decision. After spending almost a week and a half going back and forth with families and talking to Anum, she accepted the proposal. I ended up talking to her after she made the decision and she told me that even though she wasn't sure if she loved Zeeshan Bhai the same way she loved her first husband, the thought of never seeing him again and losing his friendship and the respect he gave her affected her deeply. I talked to Zeeshan Bhai and conveyed my thoughts to him and he said he understood Anum's feelings and knew it was going to take some time for Anum to fully accept him but he also said that he wasn't worried about that because he was certain that his love will be plenty to share between the two. Both were happy and that was enough for both of the families to set the date for their marriage.

'You're saying this? I thought you preferred light and simple dresses?' I put the options on the bed and looked at him as he struggled to knot the tie, I couldn't help myself from laughing.

'What?' He asked me with a confused look.

'You are not going for a meeting Zain' I walked up to him and removed the tie from his neck and undid the top button of his shirt.

'Don't be tense' I grabbed his shoulder and gave him a little shake.

'You're enjoying this aren't you?' The corner of his lips turned up slightly when he noticed that I was trying to hide my grin.

'What should I wear?' I asked him.

'Don't be tense' He repeated the same line and gave me a little shake as he walked past me towards the closet, he pulled out a bright red dress for me that was gifted to me by my mother when I got married.

'This is too heavy Zain, we are going for dinner, not a wedding party' I said to him.

'You look nice in clothes like these' He commented, surprising me yet again.

'Either I am changing into you or you are changing into me' I shook with head and went towards him to get the dress. As soon as I reached out to grab the dress, he secured his hand over mine and brought me closer to him.

'I don't want you to change into me' He said in a serious tone. He was trying to say something but it looked as if he wasn't sure how to say it.

'Zain, what are you...' I started.

'Thank you Maya' He softly said.

'For what?' I inquired as I looked into his eyes.

'You have fixed everything for me' His eyes got teary and the way he said it broke my heart, my heart ached for him when I saw the vulnerability in his eyes.

'I didn't do anything' I replied as I tried to leave the room. I didn't want to cry right as we were about to leave for such a good and blessed thing.

'You did' He grabbed my wrist to stop me from leaving and walked around to face me.

'You are not my better half Maya you are the only half which makes me feel whole, every day I wake up and I look at you and I think to myself how did I get so lucky?' He caressed my chin gently before pressing his lips on my forehead.

'If we get late, I am blaming you' I whispered as I felt his lips moving closer to mine. Just as he was about to kiss me, I pushed him away and ran for the washroom.

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