Ch. 46 (Zain's POV)

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'What are you doing here?' Anum's voice pulled my attention from my thoughts in the middle of the night. I was outside walking in the front yard while Maya was asleep with her mother in our bedroom with our newborn daughter. After trying for more than four years and going through different doctors and processes to conceive a child, Maya finally got pregnant. She arrived from the hospital two days ago and everyone kept coming in and out of our house to meet the new addition to our family. It still felt surreal and also scary, I had no idea I was capable of loving someone as much as I loved Maya but the second I saw our daughter and held her delicately in my arms, something shifted inside of me. It was an indescribable emotion for me, and I felt as if went silent altogether.

'Is she asleep?' I turned around to face her as she approached me with a cup of coffee in her hands.

'Do you want some?' She asked me when she saw me noticing the cup and passed it forward to me. I took a sip and returned the cup to her.

'They are both asleep now' She confirmed.

'Is Aunty still here?' I asked her.

'She'll be leaving soon but will be back tomorrow morning, she was wondering if Maya and Aliza can stay with her for a few days so she can look after them' Anum informed me.

'I'll move with them if Maya chooses to go' I nodded thinking it might be a good idea for Maya to stay with her parents.

'I told her that' She smiled knowing that I was probably going to say something like that.

'I am going to go check up on them' I told her as I walked past her to go see Maya.

'Zain' Anum stopped me and walked towards me. She didn't say anything, just hugged me.

'I never thought I'll see this day, Maya is so strong and you were so good to her throughout these years...she needs you in this stage more than ever...if you not sure about anything, talk to her...or us...okay?' She looked at me, she was going back home with Zeeshan tomorrow and was very emotional about leaving us.

'We'll be fine, we all need to stayed with us this whole week and Zeeshan also have to go back to work...don't worry' I patted her shoulder as we parted. As soon as I entered the room, trying to remain as quietly as possible, I heard Maya shift on the bed and calling my name in a soft whisper. I walked towards her and looked at Aliza who was soundlessly sleeping right next to her mother.

'Do you need anything?' I looked her, still trying to wrap my head around the fact that she delivered a child out of her small body just a few days ago and was able to move and talk. She seemed so fragile and light right now, but she was one hell of a strong women.

'You are here' She smiled, and my heart eased. She wanted this so bad, I did too. I wanted to bring her whatever she desired but this was beyond my powers, and now we were with our daughter. I prayed for a daughter and I got a daughter. My heart was now beating for two instead of one person.

'She's so small' My eyes shifted from her towards our daughter. It brought tears to my eyes, I had lost counts how many times I cried since I first saw her.

'She is' Maya's voice cracked; she was trying to hold back her tears. I heard her crying today when her mother came to see her and the baby. I think at that time it was only her mother who understood her more than anyone else, even me.

'You are so amazing you know that...' I again shifted my attention to Maya, holding her hands firmly.

'She's finally here Zain, I wanted our child so bad' Tears started flowing out of her eyes and I held her in my arms and started patting her back gently.

'Me too, but no more crying after this okay?' I tried to soothe her.

'Everyone is so happy, I am over the moon...I think I am on cloud nine right now...and I love you...we all love you...and the child is healthy...I think instead of three months, I'll take half a year off and maybe after a while we can go...' I kept blabbering until she pulled back from me and placed her hand over my mouth.

'Shhh, you'll wake up the baby' She told me to quiet down.

'Aren't you sleepy?' I examined her eyes that were so beautiful but were still very tired after all those sleepless nights in the hospital.

'I got some rest earlier when Mama was here, I am better now' She confirmed.

'How about you? Sleep for a while, you've been in and out of the house to get us things and then the guests are...' She started to list all the things I did to make me feel good.

'Those things were just things...they didn't tire me; you however brought a new life into this world...give yourself some credit' I said to her. While she was pregnant, both of us started learning about the parenting, she knew more stuff than I did but learning about the amount of pain a woman suffers during labor gave a whole other reason to see women as superhumans.

'I am so lucky that I get to have this life with you, you stood by me every single step of the way...I had nothing to fear because I knew you were here with me' She cupped my face with her hands and kissed both my cheeks, the love she was feeling in her heart was transcending to me through the warmth of her hands.

'I always will be' I grabbed her hand and kissed both her wrists, just then our little Aliza started crying. I guess she sensed that I was about to kiss her mother and wasn't ready for her mother to share her love with someone else, even her father.

'I'll...' Maya was about to get Aliza but I moved quickly and took her in my arms.

'Like this right?' I started rocking her in my arms quietly as I walked across the room, but the cries continued but minutes later she quieted down and with her semi-wet eyes looked at me and made a face which was a mixture of curiosity and confusion. I heard Maya chuckle and I gazed in her direction.

'Come here' She told me and I walked back to the bed and handed her to Maya.

'We are going to have a lot of sleepless nights' Maya said moments after Aliza fell back asleep and we both laid down on the bed, keeping Aliza in between. Now that she was here, we switched back to a bigger bed and Maya was thrilled about it.

'I am ready' I assured her. If she was able to keep a child in her stomach for nine months and go through labor, the least I could do was do my duty well and be there for my wife and child who needed my attention and most importantly my care.

'Let's try to sleep since we have time' I advised Maya.

'I am so used to sleeping in your arms that it's hard to fall asleep without having you near me' She closed her eyes.

'A part of me now is in her now' I replied, and Maya opened her eyes.

'And mine too' She smiled brightly and so did I, aware that life was truly a gift and love was truly a miracle of life and the only thing that can bring us the purest form of happiness, gratitude and peace in life.


Hi I don't even know where to start. I am just overwhelmed and emotional because whenever I write a book I try to leave a part of myself in it. Whether it's an idea or a personal thought, I like connecting my stories with some part of my life in one way or another and that's why when I finish a book I feel happy but there is also some sadness involved because I get so invested in the whole process. 

I am so grateful that I get to write for myself and all of you who enjoys my stories, thank you for being so wonderful and I really hope that you'll enjoyed Fated and are excited about my upcoming book.

Please read the next update for my new book announcement! :)

Thank you again and if you enjoyed this, please vote, comment and share this story with your friends <2

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