Chapter 5:

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     " Do you have to go?" He pouts.

" Yes. I'll come back I promise."

" Okay." he pouts again." But I want to give you something." He pulls the box out of his pocket and hands it to her. Red is in awe of what's inside. It's a necklace with a half of heart.

" Awe Blue thanks. It's beautiful. Where's the other half?"

" I got it. If you're ever feeling lonely, you can hold it, squeeze it. It's just something to let you know that I'm there with you always."

" Thanks." Red is smiling from ear to ear. She gives him a hug. " I love it."

" I'm glad you do. You ready?" He asked.

" I guess."  She answered

   Blue takes me to Max's house. The drive there was silly. I kind of didn't want to leave Blue but I had to get out of there.

" You want to walk me to the door?"

" Nope. I don't trust myself."

Blue is very dangerous. He used to
fight for Red all the time in high school. It was brutal.

" Neither do I."

I get out the car and walk around to
his side. He gets out and I give him a hug.

" I'm going to miss you." He told Red still holding on to her.

" Me too."

" I'll call you when I get off work."

" Okay." I smile. He kisses my cheeks then let's me go. " Bye Blue."

He watches her walk away. She has a
really nice body. The things he would do to her. He waited til Max opened the door to let her in, then he went back home.

 My heart raced as Max stared at me. " Hi."

" Hey."

Red was nervous as hell. Is he
mad at me? Will he hit me? Does he still like me? Is going to kick me out? Well that one I'm not worried about, I will go and live with Blue.

     " How was your vacation sweetie?" He asked softly.

" Good."

" That's good, I'm glad you came back. I was missing you."

I exhale. Whew! I wish I could say the same. "Me too." I smile.

He walks over to me and kisses me
deeply. We did it later on that day. It was good. Well kinda besides all the memories.

   Max has become a complete asshole. Every little thing Red does he flips out and hit her. He argues about her and Blue. He doesn't want us talking or hanging out. He takes her phone and locks her in the basement and RED HATES THE

  It's dark down there and when its dark I think and when I think I get flashbacks. I cater to his every need. Him stressing me out about that isn't helping me with the other thing I'm stressing about.

      Blue. He has been on my mind like this whole time. I can't stop thinking about him. His body. His lips. His love for me. I dream about him and I fantasize about him. It's what helps me through this. I know I should leave but I can't. I love him.

     Night time comes around and we're laying in the bed. Max runs his fingers down my arms. I turn around to look at him. It's Blue.

" Hey beautiful."

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