Chapter 30:

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Blue and Red walked hand and hand down the street. She practically was skipping down the street. She was smiling from ear to ear.

" Why are you so happy?"

" I love you."

" I love you too."

He returns her smile. He was happy too. He has a baby on the way and he is about to get married to the love of his life. Her smile fades.

" Why are we going here?"

" You need to let go."

" I think that as long as this house stands, so will your scars."

" I don't think I'm ready."

" Will you at least try it?"

" Okay. I will try."

" Thanks baby." 

   The pull up to the house. Wow this is it. Every pain, scar and secret. Red takes a deep breath.

" Baby. I won't you to remember everything and leave it in that house. We are going to burn it down. Once you throw the fire on to the house. You'll be letting go of everything."

She sniffs. " Okay."

" When ever you're ready."

Red takes a deep breath and walks in a circle a couple of times. " Okay. I'm ready."

He nods, grabs her hand and they walk to the door. She squeezes his hand tightly. She opens the door and slowly walk in. And everything hits her immediately. ( guys use the song Bon Jovi- Hallejuah. You can stop it when she burns the house down.)

Starting with the living room.

Red's mother walks into the house.
" Hi mommy want to watch some TV with me?"
She makes a disgusted face. " Does it look like I want to watch tv with you?"
" I don't know I thought that maybe you wanted to since we barely spend any time together."
" Does it look I want to spend time with you? Does it look like I like you? I don't give a damn about you. What are you getting? I don't love you. Fuck you. I regret having you. So just stop Red." Her mother heads upstairs, into her room and slams the door.

Red makes her way into the kitchen.
" Hey mommy look I made you cookies."
" I don't want any fucking cookies. I don't know where your hands been. You're dirty."
" But I washed my hands mommy."
" I don't let little whores like you cook for me. You might have a disease."
" But I made them with love."
She slaps the cookies into her face and then pushes her on the floor. " I said I don't want any fucking cookies!"
Red got up and hugged her. " I love you mommy."
" Get off of me! Get the fuck off of me! I fucking hate you!"
She pushed her off then walked away. Red stood in the kitchen all alone.
" Why don't you love me?"
" Because you're a liar and a whore."
" What does that mean?"
" Never mind dumb ass."

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