Chapter 22:

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Blue comes out the patient's room. Everyone is standing around looking at the television.

" Hey what's going on?"

" The lady is talking about someone escaped from jail. Some guy named Max Henderson."

" Shit!" Blue rushes out to his car. " Dammit, why does this shit have to be so far." He pulls out his cellphone and calls a detective.

" Detective, I need you to meet me at my house now and bring everybody! I am on my way." He hangs up, get in his car, cranks it up and speeds out of the parking lot.

He sped through the streets, luckily it was still at this time of night. He called Red's phone.

" Sorry I didn't pick up, I must be having too much fun with my fiancee."

It went straight to voicemail. " Damn it!" He threw his phone in the passengers seat and continued driving home.

   The car barely was in park when he got out. There were police cars, and the FBI.

" Where is Red? Is she alright?"

The detective just looked at him, then look down, then back up. " I'm sorry Blue but she's not in there."

" What?!" His heart dropped. " We've got to find her."

" I'm sorry sir but, we have to wait 48 hours before we file a missing police report."

" 48 hours?! Sir, a man that has stalked her just broke out of jail. My fiancee goes missing. She's pregnant. He's obsessed with her. He raped her and beat her. I know that he is furious right now. Ain't no telling what he is going to do or already did to her."

" Blue I'm sorry, we just can't until 48 hours."

" Come on man, what if that was your sister, mother, aunt grandma or daughter out there or even your wife. She's 7 months pregnant."

The detective takes a deep breath. " Alright we're looking for a young lady, 22 years old. She's pregnant 7 months exactly, she's around 5"4', light skinned. Last seen wearing blue pj bottoms and a big white shirt.

" Thanks man."

I wake up with a jolt. I am drenched in sweat. This isn't my bed.

" Blue?" I climb out of the bed. This isn't our house either. I'm a bit groggy so I hold on to the wall and walk out of the room. It's dark. I feel for a light switch.

" Blue? Are you in here?"

When I don't get an answer I realize that he wasn't here. I reach for my phone but its not in my pocket. I start to panic as I gather my thoughts. I am not at home and Blue is not here with me.

" Hello? Anybody here? Helloooo."

I finally find a light switch. I flip it on and I nearly wet myself. I'm back at home and I hear everything.

" Red, come out, come out where ever you are...get her the fuck off of me!...I should've aborted you when I had the chance...come here baby you know daddy loves ya..."

The last words echo in her head. She speeds walks down the steps as fast as she could. When he reached the door it wouldn't budge. She rattles the knob multiple times and gives it a few yanks.

" Help! Somebody help me! Hellppp!"

" No one can hear you. Don't stress, you might hurt the baby."

She quickly turns around. " What do you want? Why are you doing this?"

" I told you we were going to meet up again. We're drawn to each other."

" No you're drawn to me. My heart is with Blue."

He laughs. " You're still the same old Red." He shakes his head." So ungrateful. I let you walk around here instead of treating you like an animal."

" Being caged in, is like treating me like an animal. You bastard and my child out of your mouth." She protects her stomach.

" Oh, being with Blue, gave you some balls huh? I guess you forget how quickly I can take them balls away."

" Blue has been training me, He teaches me to protect myself and to never back down."

" Red I'm just trying to be nice!"

" NICE! I'm in a house that brings back every bad memory, I'm pregnant, emotional, hungry and I have to pee all the got damn time. I want my fiancee and I'm in a house with you! I hate you! I hate your fucking guts!"

His heart broke as she said that. He got mad and walks towards her.

" Oh what you going to hit a pregnant lady?"

He stops in his tracks. " Nope. Since you want to act like a child, I'm going to treat you like one." He grabs a rag out his pocket and puts it over her face. Red went limp. He caught her and dragged her upstairs.

" Any good word?"

" No I'm sorry Blue. Don't stress, we'll find her. She'll be alright. Just keep hope and faith in her. Don't you lose that. Stay strong for her."

Blue nods and wipes his tears. " I just miss her so much."

" I understand Blue. Now go and relax. We got this."

Blue nods and lays down on the couch. He started to cry again. The couch smells like her.

" Oh God baby. Where are you guys. I miss you. I love you. I need you. Please be okay baby. Protect our baby." He lays back and cries himself to sleep.

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