Chapter 24:

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  Blue looks in the mirror as he fastens his bulletproof vest. He cocks his gun and grabs the end of the picture of Red. He places the gun in his holsters.

" Hey, you okay man?"

" It feels like nobody wants us to be together."

" Nah, that's just more assurance that you guys are meant to be."

He gives Blue a smile. " Ready when you are."

" You're probably right. Let's do this."

He reloads his gun and cocks it.

  They are all outside conversing. The FBI is here, the police, swat and any other force you can imagine.

" Alright you guys go here. Everyone look for any house without lights, abandoned, with a garage and or basement. Blue and I will take Max's house. Got it?"

" Yes sir!"

" Alright let's move!"

" Yes sir!"

Everyone disperses.

" Everyone!" Everyone stops. " No sirens. Don't let him know that we're coming."

" Yes sir!"

They run to their cars and speed off.

  I have to piss like like crazy.

" Hey there beautiful." He removes the thing from over my mouth.

" I have to pee. I'm hungry and thirsty."

" No food, piss where you are. Drink your own spit."

" Why are you doing this?"

He grabs my arm and through gritted teeth, says, " Why did you do this to me?!"

" I-I'm so sorry."

" It's too late for apologies."

" I'm pregnant. Please." I accidently pee on myself.

" Ugh bitch that's nasty." He injects me with another dose. " That was just the beginning sweet pea."

He kisses my forehead. " Sweet memories Red."

He walks down the ladder.

" Max ! Max! Nooooooo!" She starts to remember again.

" Uhm No suspect found or has been seen within the last 24 hours copy."

" Roger that."

" What do we do now?"

" If he's not here Blue then, we'll have to call it off."

Blue looks out the window. Memories of them on the beach come to mind.

It was a vacation that the two of them took with Blue's mom. Red had on a blue bathing suit. She had sand in her toes and she welcomed the feeling. It was hot and the water was ice cold. She went in deeper and deeper until her feet couldn't touch the floor. The water was calm. She looked up and Blue was waving at her. She waved back.
Blue loved the way she looked in her bikini. It complimented her figure. A big wave began to creep up on her.
" Red! Behind you!"
" What?!"
" Behind you!"
She turned around got hit with the wave.
" Red!"
He ran and dived into into the water. She was hit by wave after wave. When Blue got kind of close he went under the water to avoid being it. She was kicking everywhere. He grabbed her and swam to the surface.
  " It's okay. Shh! Breathe. I'm right here."
She's coughing and gasping for air.
" Red relax. Breathe. Come on in and out." He starts breathing in and out." Come on just this."
She starts breathing normally.
" Are you okay?"
" Yes."
" Good." He smiles.

He takes a deep breath and pull out his wallet. He opened it and there she was. She's so beautiful. They pull up to his house.

" Ready?"

" Hell yeah."

They get out the car and quietly walk to the door.

" On the count of three....1...2...3.!" They kick his door down.

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