Chapter 1

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(12 year old) Ally p.o.v

I had just finished brushing my long blond hair and had put on my outfit for the day.

It's currently summer holidays which means I can do what ever I want all day. Today like most morning I'm heading down to the training grounds to watch the warriors fight.

My father is the Gamma of the pack so he is the third in command after the Alpha and Beta.
He had taught me how to fight but I can't fight with other pack wolves until I turn 16 and shift.

But I still love to watch, it's so amazing to watch and when I grow up I want to be just like my dad. However I look just like my mom, well that's what everyone says anyway.

I'm their only child as much as I would wish to have sibling my mother went through some complications giving birth to me and is now unable to have anymore kids.

However I still have lots of friends who are like sibling to be. My best friend is Jane she is one of the warriors daughters. I am also friends with the Betas son Jake and the Alphas son William. This is because all of our fathers are close and we are good family friends.

I know William and Jake train with their fathers like I do with mine even if we aren't 16 yet.

They will both be handed down the beta and Alpha position. My father if he had a son would pass it down to him, but because he only has a daughter all the warrior wolves will have to fight for his position when he steps down.

I'm currently 12 and both William and Jake are a year older than me and will be turning 14 soon.

Sometimes Alphas tend to shift early it's due to there strong blood line. Possibly a Beta too but it is very rare.

I made my way downstairs into the kitchen where both my parents were. They are both each others mates, I love the idea of mates having someone made just for you. But I know it will be a while until I find mine.

I grabbed an apple off the kitchen table and headed to the door.

"Are you going down to the training grounds already" I turned around to my smiling dad.

"Yeah don't worry I'm just watching as always although I think when I'm older I will be better than all of them" I smiled confidently.

"Ha I'm sure you will give them hell sweet heart" I just smiled rolling my eyes playfully.

"But me and your mother are going into a meeting all day today and will be back this evening. So your mother has left your lunch in the fridge" I smiled

"Thanks mom. Okay then guys see you later"

I then made my way down to the training.

"BOO!" I jumped out of my skin

"AGH William seriously what the hell?!" He just smiled.

"What come on it adorable you were so caught up in your own little world you didn't see me coming" I rolled my eyes playfully and shoved him a little.

"I was in deep thought" I defend myself causing him to chuckle.

"I could tell. So you heading down to the training grounds?" He asked as we both started walking.

"Yep, just think in about four years that will be us" I chirped happily.

"Yeah it's crazy. Although it's less than four years for me. In fact my father is making me take on more lessons with more unshifted wolves" William states proudly puffing his chest out a little.

"Wow that's amazing I guess all that hard work is starting to pay off huh" I smiled causing his face to break out into a smile as well.

We slowly made our way through the woods seeing the training grounds. I could feel William eyes on me.

I turned to look at him. He was still looking at me not moving. Do I have something on my face.

"What's wrong why are you looking at me so hard" I asked touching my face to see if there was anything on it.

He seemed to shake off what ever was possessing him to look at me in that way and look away.

"Sorry uh, meet you back here in a few hours Maybe we can hang out some more after my training." I nodded waving him goodbye as he went to join his father.

So I went over to watch some of the female fighters.

Word count : 768

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