Chapter 20

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You are all amazing, I'm really happy when you guys comment it really helps inspire me to write. You guys are awesome I'm so happy that you enjoy reading my book.
In these book I really did want to talk about patriarchal societies a bit and how they repress women and how through working together we can bond together to rise and bring around equality. Xoxox but please let me know what you think of this chapter love you all

This is part of two it was just too long for one chapter but I have posted both of them at the same time xoxox

Ally p.o.v

I was currently waiting in the hospital waiting room trying to get the right paperwork so they could finally release sam.
What a fucking day it has been.

I slumped down on my chair closing my eyes a bit resting them.

"Ally darling" I jumped slightly as a soft comforting hand being placed lightly on my shoulder.

I turned opening my eyes to be met with the green emerald eyes of Williams mother. And her soft and feminine smile gracing the entire room.

"Lun-" I attempted to say my voice a little croaky from lack of sleep.

"Please don't call me that dear" she said softly retracting her hand into her lap.

"Please listen to me I need to talk to you" she said quietly almost timidly as if she was nervous.

"If this about my mating to Willi-" I started for I am already so fed up with the topic that is her son. But of course I was cut off before finishing my sentence. I swear its impossible to get a sentence in when talking to this woman.

"I was a lot like you. I know you may not think so but I was. I was ferocious and independent I had my life planned out, I didn't care much for pack life." She chuckled to herself slightly as if her mind had gone elsewhere.

"I don't understand what's going on Luna." For the first time ever I saw her cringe a tad at the name. This peaked my curiosity, she was so out of character so disheveled, whats going on. I could see her hands fidgeting with eachother as her eyes darted around the room a little.

"Ally please let me talk for this may be the last chance I will have to tell you.
I've lived a life I regret. And seeing you, your fire it's almost as if your fire has relit mine. You have made me see something in myself that I was so sure was gone. You reminded me so much of myself when I was your age. I-I much like other women in our pack all have there own stories. But please please promise me don't give up fighting like I did. Don't cave."

"I don't understand" I almost stuttered where was this coming from. The Luna has always been so perfectly put together she has always had such a flawless front. But maybe that was all it ever was a front. A mask, one that I had never thought to look behind before because it was so perfectly concealed that I never thought to wonder what it was that is going on beneath the surface.

"I do love my son more than anything he is one of the few things I don't regret. But after hearing what he has done to you and essentially your whole family has broken my heart more than you could possibly know." Her words were so scattered barely making sense, taken out of context. I'm so confused this was the last kind of conversation I thought I would be having with the Luna.

"I'm sorry Ally for everything that has happened to you. I know my apologies will never be enough and only you can truly heal yourself. But the fight that you have been fighting and will continue to fight will only get harder but promise me you won't stop. But in the end I promise everything will be worth it. "

I didn't know what else to do so I nodded my head slightly, which was enough of an indication for the Luna to then smile and make her way out of the waiting room.

I tried to shake of what she had said but there was something off about her but I couldn't quite place it.

Williams p.o.v

Im heading towards my fathers and mothers house which is built slightly further out in my territory. My father built this house for my mother and him to live in after I took over the pack, taking my position as Alpha.
It is the house that they intentionally grow old in, one where they can retire in.

I know my father was one of the strongest and fearless alphas untill me. With each generation of our bloodline we have gotten stronger and stronger and I'm not going to let a rouge Luna ruin that. I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

If anything I think Ally would make an extreamly strong Luna.

Her fire, her spirit, the fight that is in her the way she protects those she cares about. She will be the best Luna. Her intelligence her fighting skills, her ability to lead she was designed to be the ultimate alpha female.

My mate.

But right now she is turned against me, hates me. But I don't lose and I won't lose her.

My leg was shaking how did I do this. How did things get this far? Why can't I control myself around her? She just heightens everything I feel and I get so destructive.
I can never just seem to think straight, the way she wriggles into my head and makes me weak and lash out.
I'm always in control of myself but with her I never am.

Seeing there house in the distance I picked up my pace.  I suddenly picked up the most beautiful sent the one which belonged to my mate.

Ally p.o.v

"Ally what are you doing out here" I could hear the anger in my mates voice as he took long strides towards me.

I can tell he is feeling on edged, he probably thought I was running away. I rolled my eyes.

"Look here William I don't have time for your testosterone loaded ass today. I'm not here for you I just had a rather werid conversation with your mother and I was just coming to her house to double check she was ok." I wasn't exactly sure why I was explaining myself to him.

He didn't deserve an explanation. I could tell he wanted to speak but instead we then both strolled next to eachother in sleince in the direction of Williams fathers house.

Part two coming in about 5 seconds

Word count: 1148

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