Chapter 11

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This chapter is HUGE I doubled my usual word count !!!

Love you all hope you like it I love hearing feedback and comments from you all have fun reading lovelies ❤️❤️❤️

I kept walking out of the hospital. Looking down at my attire I'm in boy clothing and by the smell of it I know it's Williams. How did I not notice this before.

Did he change me whilst I was asleep. I could feel myself cringe at the very thought.

I could hear loud footsteps behind me. I know it's William but I don't want to be near him.
I don't even know where I'm going, all I know is I have to get out of here and see if Sam and Billy are Alright.

All of a sudden tingles shot around my waist and I was spun round to see William.
I quickly detached myself from his grasp to make the tingles stop.

"Ally where are you going?" He asked a bit angry at the fact I was trying to get away from him. I could see that his wolf feels slightly rejected which his making him hold on that much more to me to make sure I can't leave him.

"I'm going to find Sam and Billy, where are they?" William growled at the mention of other Male names leaving my mouth.

"Who the fuck is Sam and Billy?" I almost dryly laughed but held back. I can see William wolf coming to the surface as his muscles stayed tense. His jaw was tight and his intense glare was burning into my own.

"Billy is an 8 year old and Sam is the one who saved me and gave me shelter and food as a rouge. Not that it's any of your business.
Now tell me what you've done with the rest of that village you raided?" I snapped at him. I keep losing my temper around him, he is so frustrating.

My eyes penetrating into him observing every one of his movements.

"The village has been burnt to the ground." He answered emotionlessly. I could feel my words stuck in my throat.

"However, after finding you we took the remaining villages and children down to our orphanage and some are still inside the hospital." He stated calmly.

I felt a sense of relieve pass through me, that they where here with me.

I then turned around to start heading towards the orphanage. But William yet again stopped me.

"Ally stop" I turned towards him.

"What? I'm going to see that you haven't killed my friends after you stormed our village." I snapped at him ripping my hand out of his hold.

"It was a rouge village, and due to the up coming rouge threats it was dangerous for such a high population of rouges to be near our boarders. I didn't know you were going to be there." He said desperately trying to justify his actions.

"But I was. These rouges aren't dangerous. That village has been there for about 4 years and hasn't been a bother to anyone." I said fighting back at his logic.

"But that didn't mean it wasn't a threat. I'm an Alpha Ally I need to look after my pack first" he said his voice holding more dominance and power in it.

"There were children." I could even hear the hurt and sadness in my voice.

"And I never intended to kill the children" I could see his eyes soften as he took in my distressed and hurt voice.

I didn't know how to reply. I could feel my emotions getting the better of me. I haven't been emotional like this is so long. I think it's due to being back here where everything started.

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