Chapter 10

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I could hear mumbled voices all around me but everything was dark.

What happened, I slowly managed to open my eyes and I was met with a lot of bright light. The voices seemed to of stopped.

I waited for my eyes to adjust before looking around the room I was in.

I seemed to be in a hospital bed. I then looked over to my side to find William sitting there in a seat his eyes focused on me watching my every move. Looking at me as if I might disappear any moment. His eyes burning into me making me want to squirm in his presents.

"Ally" he whispered almost in disbelief.

I refused to look into his eyes as I looked at my hand and then to the door, anywhere but him.

"Your my mate." I didn't reply. He voice held an emotion I could place.

Maybe I was in a state of denial but he is no mate of mine.

I refused to be mates to someone like him. I was going to meet someone I loved and have pups but now it's going to be hard to escape from him.

"You have been asleep for about two day now. Ally. I'm so sorry, I thought you were going to submit y-" I cut him off not wanting to hear any words that leave that rapists mouth.

"Don't call me that" I replied coldly still not turning my attention to him. I can tell he is anxious to talk to me.

I won't give him the satisfaction.

"Where am I?" I questioned, my voice hard and lacking any kind of identifiable emotion. I kept my face neutral as if not to give anything away.

"Your in blood moon territory" he stated as if it was obvious.

"And why would you think to bring me here?" I asked turning to him for the first time. I saw his hazel eyes. The mix of the blue and brown making an almost gold and green in his eyes. It's what I used to like most about him.

"Because you were in need of medical attention. And your this packs Luna. My mate" and just like that he flipped my switch.

Luna? He seriously thinks I'm going to become his Luna after everything he has put me through.

"Luna?" I laughed a sarcastic laugh with no humour in it.

"As if I would ever be your Luna" I said more seriously venom in every word.

I could see his emotions change so fast I almost missed it. I could see his eyes turn back laced with anger.

He was about to speak before the doctor came in carrying a clip board.

"Alpha, Luna" he said bowing before William and then me. I cringed at the thought of being this packs Luna.
The pack that other packs fear. The pack that invaded my home. Mated to the man who single handily ruined my life.

"Right wonderful you have woken up Luna. Your healing has picked up nicely thanks to the Alpha blood we injected into your system" he said glancing over at William who stood there proudly.

"You have me your blood?" I questioned. What cruel shit is this.

"Of course, your my mate I hate to see you in pain" he said with concern leaking through his voice.

"What so your almost rip out my throat and then give your blood to heal it. A bit fucked up don't you think" I snapped at him.

I would have preferred to heal in my own time. I don't need help. I've never needed help and I defiantly don't want it from him.

I saw the doctor shift from one foot to the other awkwardly.

"I wouldn't have had to do that if you would have just accepted me straight away and submitted like all female should" I let out a dry laugh.

The audacity of him.

"Why should I submit to you. Please explain to me why males should be the dominate one? I'm so sorry for no abiding by your every command like a fucking slave" I said my words cutting like a knife raising my voice a bit.

"Because it's in our nature we were built that way, stronger and more dominate. Women are meant to nurture and bring up pups. Men are built to protect" I am literally shaking in anger at his words.

I wanted to scream at him. Hit him. Slap him.

But A part of my thinks he wants me to break like that so I slightly calmed myself down.

"Women are meant for more than simply raising pups. That is the lowest of insults.
I refuse to ever submit to you. And I would say I'm pretty strong, stronger than most males." I countered.

"That's because your my mate you were designed to be an Alpha female. You are the strongest women and therefore stronger than some Men. But not me which is why you must submit to me." he said.

I was losing my cool.

"And if I reject you what then? I don't need, nor want you. I don't need some stupid Alpha male controlling me like a doll. Using me treating me as an object" I could feel tears starting to spring from my eyes but I held them back.

The last time I cried was when my father died. And I'm not going to break for him, not again.

"You will accept me. You are mine the goddess gave you to me. You are my mate My Luna and the future mother to my children" I cringed at this statement.

"No I am not any of those things. I will reject you if need be."

"You will not"

"Shut up I am not any of those things, I will reject you if it come to it. Now tell me where is the rest of the rouges from the village you destroyed?" I asked sitting up.

I can't believe I didn't think about asking for them earlier.

I then moved my legs around and started to stand up.

"No get back in bed, you need to stay resting until you have the pack doctors Ok" he said trying to stop me from moving form the bed.

Sparks shot up my arm as he touched me.

"Get your hand off me" I shouted cringing away from his touch.

He removed his hand, his face held pain. I could see the conflict in his eyes. I know how much Males crave the touch of there mate.

But I don't want him to touch me.

I steadied myself into a ball, trying to shake away the thoughts that came back with his touch.

"She is alright to go Alpha" the doctor muttered as if scared of William.

I almost forgot he was here. All I felt was anger an unspeakable anger. I could feel it consuming me.

I then got of the bed and headed for the door before William could stop me.

Words count: 1171

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