Chapter 6

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It's had only been a few months of me being an orphan and I hate it.

Due to me having no position in the pack and being 18 I've been degraded to an omega.

I've been kicked out my house only taking a few belonging with me. The rest has been given away.

I'm currently living in a small room in the pack house, I cook and clean mainly all around the pack house. I'm treated like dirt the scum of the pack. If I thought my bullying was bad before now it's even worse.

There is no better person to pick on than the girl with no parents and is an omega.

I can feel my wolfs anger every time she is disrespected. But I know this is not going to be for ever, there is nothing left for me at this pack house.

I know my mother would have wanted me to stay safe in a pack house but I feel like I've got nothing to lose. Which can make me very dangerous for I don't care about anyone or anything.

I've been preparing to go rouge.

I know how dangerous rouges can be. I know some Male rouges killed my mother. But maybe not all rouges are bad. I've never really been outside a pack for very long, so I don't know what to expect. So I'm getting ready for anything.

I had just finished cooking the packs supper along with the rest of the omegas.
I had stolen some bread to munch on for my dinner. I'm going to have to be full and stocked up on food if I'm leaving and not coming back. For I don't know when my next meal may me.

I know some people may call me stupid and reckless for being a rouge is dangerous. I would be faced with constant discrimination. I could be killed by Hunters and I have no pack to help defend myself.

But maybe I am sucidal and stupid but I don't care. I can feel my emotions running numb. I can feel myself becoming robotic with less and less emotions as the days go on. I would say I'm sinking into a depression. And I refuse to live my life like this. There is no life left for me in this pack, I've got to go out and start to build a life for myself. Plus at this pack house I know I'm not living up to my full potential. I am a Gammas daughter, I am one of the packs best fighters and I'm being used as a maid.

I'm ready to leave no matter the cost. I'm officially a women with nothing to lose.

As I got back to my room I finished stuffing the bread into my mouth and reached under my bed for my go bag. I finished packing the last things like my tooth brush and hairbrush and a picture of my parents and me. My go bag was stuffed with food that I had stolen from the packs kitchen.

After packing everything I got into bed I had to wait until the dead of night to escape otherwise I could be stopped.

I payed my head on the pillow falling into a deep sleep.

I could feel Williams hands up and down my body. Ripping of each item of clothing leaving me naked.

I could feel his weight on top of me, trapping me. I could hear his heavy breath upon my ear making me cringe away from him but not getting far.

I felt sick having his hands on me cupping my sex. I tried to move. His finger entering me causing me to squeal. His eyes staying black as if almost in a lustful trance.

I could see him removing his clothes making tears leak out my eyes. I was trying to move to get him off me but I could move him.

He then lined himself up pushing into me, I could feel a tearing between my legs.

I then woken up sweating and gasping for breath. Thank god only a dream. I hadn't had one of those in a while. I couldn't seem to shake the feeling of his hands all over me so I headed into my shower to scrub my body to rid me of him.

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