Chapter 18

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Hey guys sorry I have been gone so long, but be ready for lots of updates this weekend !!!!


Sam was stabilized and resting in the packs hospital with wires attached all over his body to the beeping machine by his bed side table.

I was sitting in the chair positioned next to the bed. And standing by the door was my feral mate pressed up against the wall his eyes refusing to look away from me.

I refused to look over at him for he refused to leave me alone in a room with Sam. So we were sitting in silence with only the sound of the machine beeping.

I focused on Sams small breaths as his chest moved up and down.

"Who is he?" William asked breaking the deadly silence.

It was so quiet that I wasn't even sure if he had talked at all. Until he spoke again.

"Who is he to you? Why do you care so much?" His voice was low and threatening but there was also a tinge of winning in his voice.

I decided to turn my head to come face to face with my mate. His expression was hard not giving anything away. His arms still crossed over his chest making his large muscles pop more than usual. I could tell he felt threatened the way he was so still unmoving, much like a lion in the grass waiting to pounce.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" I said gesturing towards the door so he would leave.

"My wolf won't let me leave you alone. Not now" I rolled my eyes.

I don't want to put up with this.

"What do you thinks going to happen if you leave. I'm going to jump on his bones and have sex with him. You nearly killed him. He almost died because of you. And he is currently unconscious and fighting for his life. He almost died don't you get that." I said desperately trying to get him to under stand that his reckless actions have consequences.

"But he didn't" Was the short cut throat answer i got. I scoffed shocked. Well should I even be shocked.

"And even if I did I would care." I simply shut my eyes ignoring him not wanting to hear what he is saying. I slipped my hand in Sams non moving hand gripping onto him slightly, almost as if reassuring myself he is ok and alive.

"Did you ever sleep with him?" What seriously.

He better be fucking joking right now.

I was so shocked I didn't answer. He can't be serious.
He wouldn't seriously ask that. Not now he wouldn't dare.

"I can't smell his sent tainting yours. But I need to know. Ally did you sleep with him." I could see how hard it was for him to ask this question. I could see his muscles tense as his fists tightened. His jaw clenched in anger from imaging the worse. His eyes darkened in anticipation for my answer.

"No" I replied in barely a whisper.

"How could you think that of me you just don't seem to understand." I could see him relax a bit as he pushed himself off the wall and slowly walked to the other side of Sams bed so we were facing each other.

I refused to look at him and focused on my hand which is intertwined with Sams.

There was just silence for a bit. I could still feel his heated gaze on me.

"It was hard. I-I just saw him on you. The way you held him. Also due to all the anger built up in me due to your constant rejection of me. All my emotions were misplaced. I-it's just, I'm sorry. I just assumed and my wolf just saw him as an obstacle and just wanted to destroy it. I couldn't even bare the thought of you with someone else." He voice sounding weak and in pain like it physically pained him to be in the wrong.

He pauses taking in a deep breath.

"I'm sorry" it was barely a whisper but these small words seemed to be for more that just almost killing sam. His eyes straight away tried to make eye contact with mine but I won't let him.

I didn't want this I never wanted any of this. Behind each of his words there is another motive. The way he looks at me like he expects all these things from me. Like I owe him something because I've been chosen to be his mate. Like I will cave and give into the bond. Like I will be the mother of his children and this packs Luna. But I won't I don't owe him anything.

"No. You see Alpha I can't seem to let a boy even touch me because of you. I can't simply hug or be close to a man without thinking of you. Thinking of how you raped me. How you felt, how you hurt me."
I said still not looking at him.

"I'm sorry" I heard again.

"Sorry. Sorry. You can't just say fucking sorry you ruined my life scarring me for the longest time. You have no idea what you even did. Don't you fucking dare say sorry to me. Don't even say it." Realising that I was shouting I decided to re compose my self.
Into the icy exterior I wanted to uphold but the exterior he keeps breaking through so easily.

I saw William shut his eyes, his jaw clenching. I could see how this topic was hurting him. The guilt that was creeping past his hard and dangerous exterior. The fact that he was the cause of all his mates suffering. That I don't want him. That I loath him. I know it's dangerous to push an alpha but I don't care I will push him as far as I want.

Back to silence.

Suddenly I hear a loud russace coming from outside.

Standing up I headed to the door William following closely behind me.

Opening the door Jane then appeared looking rather disheveled her hair looked like her hand had run through it many times.

"Jane what are you doing here? Are you okay you look a bit crazy." I looked her up and down taking in her state. Her hair was everywhere her eyes opened wide searching for something.

"Oh u-uh hey Ally. A friend of mine is in the hospital, I'm just visiting." She said quickly, I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

"Well are you alright you look fairly ill" I asked concerned she looks like she could faint any minute.

She was looking around her desperately the poor girl looked like she would collapse and minute.

"I-is um. I- I just. Ho-w is your friend is everything ok"

"Yeah he is going to be fine but are you ok? you are really not looking all that well."

"No no I'm great Luna but I got to go"

And before I had the chance to tell her off for referring to me as Luna she has disappeared.

"Alright I will see you around then" I tried to shrug it off but I just was a bit confused I had never see Jane like that before.

I then turned back to see William looking equally confused.

Walking back into the hospital room I made sure to shut the door right behind me locking William out. Turning my attention back to the bed I saw sam sitting up on a cute Broken smile covering his face.

Word count: 1175

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