Chapter 23

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Christmas chapter, extra long enjoy guys.
Have a good day and please comment or vote!!! Love yah all.

We walked side by side, amongst each other both heading in the direction of the pack house.

Only the sound of leaves crunching underneath our feet.

"We need to talk" William said.

Those words, the words I was dreading to hear.

"What do we need to talk about?" I questioned not looking his way but still continuing walking in the direction we are heading.

I suddenly felt the mate sparks dance around my wrist and William stops me from walking.

"Ally you know well what. We need to talk about this. Come to the pack house we can discuss the terms of our mating."

The terms of our mating?? The audacity.

William then continued to walk leaving me behind confused.
What like negotiate? What could he have to offer me? He can't be thinking straight after all this with his mother.

I however didn't say anything and continued following him back to the pack house.

As we walked through the doors of the pack house I couldn't help but notice the stares burning into me. I know they know of my refusal to mate with there alpha.
I know it has a lot of wolves on edge. A Luna is an essential part of a pack, they make the strongest packs without them they are weak. They are needed to create a next generation of Alpha as well as being a leader for the women in the pack, to act as the level head.
I could practically feel the gossip and whispers starting to spread about me and there Alpha in his office.
If I thought it is tense now I couldn't imagine what it would be like when the pack finds out of there late Luna.

I know they have heard about my history, about my father. I know they know about my refusal of submission to there alpha and therefor rejection of my position as Luna.

You can tell by the concern looks which leak through the women's faces and the determined but worried looks of the men which surround me.

Some think I will cave and submit to their powerful alpha but some however aren't sure. I can tell that much.

Finally reaching Williams office out of the sight of prying eyes I let out a breath of relief I didn't even know I was holding in.

"Please take a seat." I turned to see Williams serious face. He looked so calm, as if he controlled everything. His eyes holding what they want and his mind knowing how to get them.

"The terms of our mating? What mating exactly would that be?" I started off straight away wasting no time. I couldn't let him dictate the conversation. Because the one which dictates the conversation will control the argument which will defiantly occur.

I don't want to play mind games. I need to know where his head is at and what he is talking about.

"Look Ally, I've been thinking about us"

"There is no 'us' William." I cut him off straight away.

"I've been thinking about our mating." He corrected him self.

"And what mating would that be."

"Ally" I could see his voice was getting agitated.

"Look right now I need you, and I need you to help me put on a strong front for the pack. As soon as this news of my mother gets out the pack will worry. Chaos will break out. Other rival packs will see us as weak and vulnerable and most likely attack. Look at what my mother leaving has done to my dad one of the strongest Alphas there has been. Gossip will travel and I've spent so long building this pack as has my father and I won't let it fall. I need you to help me." His voice so intense his stare even more so.

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