Chapter 17

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Ok special treat I've written about 4,000 words tonight for you guys!!!! I'm on a roll. A bit of drama but good shit is going soon so stay tuned.

That's for being so inactive lately

Please vote and comment it really helps motivate me to write xxx

Tell me what you think love you guys xoxo


I could feel Sams body being ripped away from me before I even had the chance to react. I saw his body being flung across the room colliding with the wall.

I hear the defining snap of bones. I looked over in the direction of where Sam had been thrown.

There William stood standing shirtless his muscles bulging and flexing with adrenaline.

he walked over towards Sams limp body landing a punch and then a kick to his gut.

My hand shot over my mouth in shock. He then continued to beat up Sam hammering him into the floor. Sam managed to stand up landing a punch on his face. Sams movement were restricted due to the chains on his feet.

William then with one powerful punch threw Sam to the floor not moving. He continued to land punch after punch on Sams unconscious body.

I snapped out of my trance and ran to the other side of the room throwing my body over Sams protecting him which only seemed to piss William off that much more.

I felt the sparks and Williams large hand wrapped around my upper arm and yanked me off his body and pulled me to his chest.

I looked up into his eyes to find them pitch black. Not an ounce of humanity left in them. I yanked my arm away from him standing over Sams body.

"Your protecting this Male wolf" his voice came out dark, his tone sending shivers down my back.

"This is why you don't want me because of him. A weak wolf. You want a weak wolf over us. One that can't provide for you or provide you with strong pups. A rouge mutt." His wolf was in control. His tone sharp holding hurt and anger.

Never a good mix.

I know William wasn't in the right state of mind to piss off. He looked feral, and in a purely destructive mode.

"Don't call him a mutt" I snapped back. William let out a loud growl in response. His muscles tensing at me protecting another man.

"You won't hurt him" I stated my voice stern as I stood over his body readying myself for William to try and get him.

"I will kill him" William said his voice holding nothing but the truth.

now I was the one that growled.

"He is a threat. An obsicale from getting you. And I will kill anything that gets in my way of getting you."

I was going to go off about how I'm not an object one can obtain and just get but now is not the time for that rant.

"Sams a friend. He is not what is the cause of our failed relationship, you are. You and your wolf raping me. Don't get confused. He is my best friend he saved me when I was kicked out your pack he is the reason for my survival. I ow him everything."

Williams almost lot it at this statement. To here I was in trouble and he wasn't there but another man was. That he couldn't save me. That it was so out of his control. His need to protect was driving him insane I could tell by how his body was starting to shake.

After a bit he seemed to calm down enough to form a sentence.

"Friends don't hold each other the way you were holding each other. The way you let him so close to your neck where my mark will be"

"You won't mark me. You don't deserve it. We will never be mates. Over my dead body"

Just like that William lunged himself at me pinning me to the wall holding both my hands firmly against the wall. One of his legs separating both of mine. Thinking quickly I head butted him at the same time as kicking him in his man area.

I then proceeded to hit him square in the face, which didn't seem to faze him. We circled each other his eyes assessing my every move.

I could feel my heart beat in my chests it was only when I started to hear Sams slowing of heart beat did I snap out of my fighting mode as my chest filled with anxiety.

"His heart beat is dying" I muttered as I rushed over to Sam holding his face.

I panicked.

"We need to get him out of here now please William I need you to gain control. I know it's a lot but I need you to snap the fuck out of it." I looked over at William desperately who was still fully controlled by his wolf.

I needed to get him back and fast.

Fuck I am going to have to do this.

I walked over to him slowly assessing him. His chest was moving up and down his body towering over me. He was still in a fighting mode a mode to try and mark me against my will.

To claim me.

I need to be carful.

I slowly got closer to him reaching out touching his hand softly.

"Please William I need you to come back now. I really need you." I whispered tears filling my eyes.

I can't get Sam to the pack hospital with out his cooperation.

This wasn't working I need to give him more.

I then stepped into his embrace placing both hands on his chest and placing my head on his chest.

He automatically put both his hands around me pushing me tighter into him. His arms locking behind my back as his head lowered into my neck as he started sniffing around. Lightly brushing his lips against my earlobe then trailing down towards the base of my neck.

I shut my eyes trying to ignore his presence on my skin. What if he marks me? I was still in his embrace, not fighting.

Floods of thoughts of that night ran through my head. Of him holding me down, the sound of his breath in my ear. I started shaking tears streaming down my face. I tried to break free of his hold but he wouldn't let me go.
I remembered him inside of me and me crying, holding me inplace as he ripped up my insides. His hands leaving prints on my wrists.

I can't breath.

A sob left me making Williams grip losen.

He then pulled away from me assessing me.

He was back. thank fuck.

"William please we need to get him to the pack hospital. His heart beat is slowing down I can't lose him too" just like that I was met with those stormy eyes.


"Ok" He said softly before breaking eye contact from me for the first time.

William then headed over to Sam putting him over his shoulder racing out of the room.

Word count: 1194

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