Chapter 15

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Hey guys sorry for the late update I just started college so it's been pretty crazy but I'm going to try to update a lot more now I'm settled xxx

Thanks darlings please vote if u want

Also I did such a long chunk I had to split it in too so here's the first half good stuff is on its way xxx


My wolf kept running in the direction of the pack house. I needed to find some clothes and then go and find my pack to see if everyone is ok.

Finally getting up to Williams room I stepped into his closet grabbing the closest t-shirt and putting it on.

Alright I don't know how long I have before William decides to come and look for me again.

I then slipped off Williams large shirt and shifted. I placed the shirt between my jaws and sprinted off in the direction of the orphanage.

I shift behind a tree redressing myself. I stormed up to the door pushing them open my head darting in every direction shearching for a sent from anyone from my village.

Suddenly I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around to be met with a fairly old women who was wrapped in a cardigan and was rather short.

"Luna dear what's got you in such a state" her soft voice said gently.

I then looked over to see my reflection in the glass. I did look quite the state.
My cheeks where bright red I had bags under my eyes and stress was basically pumping off me. And don't even get me started in the state of my wind blown hair.

"U-uh um" I seemed lost for words. The old ladies soft warm eyes burnt into mine. For some reason she gave me a sense of ease. She had this aroma of trust which surrounds her.

I finally managed to find my tongue.

"Yeah I'm looking for the survivors of the rouge village attack" I said in a serious voice trying to project that I won't be taking no for answer.

"Luna I thought you knew. We are only holding the children here the fully grown rouges are living in the pack jail underground."

The pack jail?

It is horrible and dirty down there everything is dark and smells like mold and blood rotting. William told me that they were safe and being kept in the orphanage.

He lied


I could feel my face literally heat up in anger.

"No I wasn't aware. Thank you for your help." I said before turning my back to her quickly and yet again shifting.

I am so close to completely blowing my lid.

Approaching the entrance to the pack dungeons stood two very large looking men. Ignoring them I attempted to walk past them.

"Luna I don't think the Alpha would want you down here by yourself" one guard said placing his hand around my arm.

that's it I've had it with being told what to do.

"Frankly I don't care about what your alpha thinks and you are going to take your hand off me this instant before you lose it" I snapped at him glaring at him.

He took his hand off flinching slightly but still blocked my path.

"Is there a problem here" I spat at them, I can't deal with this packs shit.

"Luna we are under instructions by the Alpha not to let anyone down here apart from the jail guards."

I know there just doing what they think is best but they do not want to get in the way of me right now.

"I am your Luna the Alphas equal therefore I'm overruling this statement" I stated, then the other more cold looking guard spoke up.

"But you are the submissive, submissive to our Alpha you can't overrule him. Your the female you should know your place. It is with bearing the future alpha and securing the strong blood line in the pack." the rugged looking guard stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

There may or may not be steam coming out of my gears right now.

"Excuse me?" My voice didn't even sound like my own, I could feel the outrage of my wolf inside me. The other guard jumped quickly to his defense trying to soften the situation.

"We didn't mean any offence Luna. Your role in the pack is vital, you are the mother of the pack the heart, you are to bare the Alphas child. You are to counter balance his darkness and calm him. Your the heart to the pack" I couldn't contain myself.

"The Alphas child huh?" I sickly chuckled a bit.

"No I don't think so. And even if I were to have his child it would be more my child than his, I would have been the one to create the child to feed, nurture and fucking birth the child. What's the fathers role really? And I don't know if you've heard but I haven't accepted the Alpha as my mate. He is a vile and cruel man but I can be just as bad so don't expect a soft side from me. Don't expect me to tame his bad side. I don't have a burning need to fix the broken man I simply don't care and don't have time for it.
And for you information I am by no means the submissive, I didn't submit. He have to rip out my neck before I would ever submit to him. Oh wait he already did that. Now move aside before I rip out your necks aswell. I wouldn't test me I've had a fucking long day." With that I stood up that much talked asserting my dominance making them cower slightly.

They both glanced at each other a torn expressions on both there faces as they stepped aside letting me through and opening the heavy looking door with their swipe keycard.

Giving them a nod of appreciation I headed into the blackness.

Word count : 1014

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