Chapter 2

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Rachel's P.O.V~

I had just finished unpacking my bags, as I slid my empty suitcase beneath my bed.
I switched my heels for slippers and proceeded to make my way downstairs.
Cory had just sat down on his couch as he turned on the ps4 that sat on a table in front of him.

"So... what do you have to eat?"

He replied as I could see him setting up his console,"You could check the pantry."

I opened the door to the pantry as I pick up the first thing that catches my eye.

What type of-

"What is Swedish fish??"I asked with a confused expression on my face.

Cory laughed as he saw my facial expression.
"Why do you look as if a five year old just stole yo favorite lipstick and used it as a crayon?"He questioned laughingly.

"Cause I'm tryna figure out what kind of human being eats a snack called 'Swedish Fish'"I replied laughing.

He replied, "Well, come and find out," as he tapped the seat on the couch next to him, suggesting for me to join him.

I took the offer as I sat down beside him, sinking into the soft sofa.
"So Cory, how old are you?"I asked as I opened the pack of Swedish Fish and placed it in between us.

He answered "I'm twenty-six. Born and raised here in Detroit. What about you?" I replied as I took in the new surroundings I was in, "I'm twenty-two, born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona."
He nodded as he continued, "Alright, Alright. When's your birthday?" I answered, "Uhhhhh, May the 23rd 1997, and you?"
He replied,"November 9th 1992."

I looked up at the screen now realizing what game he was about to play.

"You've played Injustice 2?" I questioned. He replied,"Yeah, quite a couple times actually."

Oh. Now I'm intrigued.

"Up for a round?" I asked as I could feel a spark of excitement light inside of me.
He looked back at me in a somewhat puzzled expression as he replied in a funny voice, "You dare challenge Me to a fight?"
I laughed as I picked up the extra controller. He continued, "Okay.." as he raised his eyebrows as if he were impressed.

I chose Batman as he decided to go with Superwoman.
The fight started off strong as it seemed that I posed as an actual threat to Cory. As the fight, was nearing it's end I managed to barely beat him as I had soon let out a victorious cry.
"So how'd I do?" I questioned,as I teasingly nudged at him.

Cory glared at me but I could tell he was being playful as he shoved his hand into the pack of Swedish Fish and chewed them loudly in response to my question.
I laughed as a reaction to his response as I looked back at him.

Once he finished his mouthful, he started, "Alright, that was obviously just a warm up-"

"Yeah right," I replied laughing.

He replied in a jokingly prideful tone, "You're my guest, I didn't want you to feel unwelcomed so I thought it best that I went easy on you."

"Okay. Then don't hold back on this next one," I said as I pressed the Rematch button.

He raised his eyebrows as if surprised by my request.
He replied, "Your wish is my command." He proceeded to also press the Rematch button which prompted the screen to change to a loading screen. From here on this caused a series of this action to continue for hours, as we played against eachother, both equally winning and losing matches.

-a couple hours later-

The sun was already down and Cory and I didn't bother to have lunch.
We were nearing the end of another battle, while I played as Ivy, whereas he played as Harley Quinn.
I just needed to get at least one more blow in, whereas Cory still had a close possibility of winning.
Just then I saw his bar blink blue as he then triggered his Special move. Just then, in the pause before the impact I managed to trigger mine, a pause of silence occurred, as we waited to see who would be hit.

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