Chapter 9

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Cory's P.OV~

I sat down in my couch as I seemingly felt the weight of my head increase. I held my head in my hands as I looked down at the floor.

I'd just let her get bullied out of here.
I just stood there and watched. Imagine how that must've felt.

I shook my head in disappointment and worry as my mind kept racing with thoughts.

And Rachel might have a thing for me. Do I have a thing for her?
That wouldn't matter, right? Look at what I put her through. How can she ever forgive me?
I never intended for this to happen.
I must find her. I have to.

I rose from the couch defiantly as it was as if I had a mission, a single target to achieve. I quickly got ready to leave the house and in less than ten minutes I was out the door. As I hastily made my way to the car I pressed my phone to my ear once I had dialed Rachel's number. I sighed as it reluctantly went into voicemail. I then called my mom. "Mom, I need your help,"I quickly stated. She replied, "What's up?". "I need to find Rachel, is there any chance that she told you where she was going?" I asked as I sat down in my car. She paused for a couple of moments before answering. "I got a text a couple hours ago, saying that she was heading back to my place. She might be there."

"Okay, thanks mom," I responded. I hung up and pulled out of my driveway and onto the road I went.

Rachel's P.O.V~

I hadn't moved from my spot as I pretty much felt my thighs caving in on the bench's edge. My eyes drifted once more back over at Cory's special spot as memories of that night only seemed to make my heart hurt even more.
Just then I felt this feeling that immediately dispersed my thoughts of sadness. It had seemingly replaced those thoughts with suspicion and worry.

It felt as if someone was watching me.

Cory's P.O.V~

I gripped my hands on the sterring wheel as I watched at the un-ending trail of cars in front of me. It was bumper to bumper and nobody had moved for the past ten minutes.
This traffic is insane.

I turned on the radio to find out what exactly was going on. Just as expected, the first station that came on reported of a six-car-pileup.
I'm not gonna be moving for hours. Nobody is.
How would Rachel have even caught a bus if-

That's when it had hit.

Rachel's P.O.V~

I felt the hairs raise on the back of my neck as the uncomfortable feeling was still present. Moments later a shadow had appeared from behind a tree and stepped into the light of the streetlight.
A tallish guy with matted dirty hair, wearing a trench coat that appeared as if it hadn't been washed in years looked directly at me. He was dark skinned and wore a smile that only can be described with one word, 'fake'.

He had deep bags beneath his eyes as if he hadn't slept in days. He looked as if he was on something. He slowly approached me and sat on the other end of the bench that I was on. I felt a chill go up my spine as I felt the bench move once he sat down. I looked down at my phone and tried to pretend that I had something to do, to possibly avoid any conversation.

But my efforts appeared to be useless. "Hey there!" his voice rang out, like a forced attempt to sound friendly. I just casted him a glance and looked back down at my phone. He continued, "My name is Fred, what's yours?"

You're not supposed to talk to strangers, like, ever.

I just kept my head facing my phone as his question remained in the air. A couple moments passed as I assumed that he would've seemingly gotten the memo by now.
He continued, "Say.. are you waiting for someone?"

Red flag. Red flag. Red flag.
What is he trying to do?
What do I do?
I can't just tell him that I'm waiting for a bus that could be here in hours and I definitely can't just tell him to back off. I don't do so well with confrontations.

I felt my palms start to grow sweaty.
I need to be careful about this.

"I'm-" I felt my voice crack. C'mon. "I'm waiting for my boyfriend. He should be here any moment now," I stated in the best condition that I could. "Alright," he replied as he leaned comfortably back on the bench. He continued, "I guess I'll just keep you company until he arrives."

I felt my heart drop as I felt as if I had just made the situation worse. A couple minutes pass as I idly played the dinosaur game Google had offered when offline as I listened to music with one of my earphones out.
Just then, something told me to look up.
Maybe I'm just being paranoid.
I fought with myself for a moment on that thought and then finally I took a deep breath and looked up from the screen and to my horror, Fred had gotten closer.
Whereas at first he sat on the opposite end of the bench, he was now sitting at the half way point, barley two inches separated us.
I gave him a puzzled look on purpose as he simply looked at me and gave a toothy grin.

My eyes watered as I had abruptly stopped myself from gagging at the scent that Fred had given off. It was a strong aroma of sweat, dumpster water and mildew. I abruptly died in the game on my phone as a response, which he noticed.
"Nice game," he stated as he leaned over towards me to get a better look at the screen.

I felt my insides start to shake as I had really started to feel uncomfortable. I looked down at my screen for the third time in his presence, silently telling myself to calm down. Out of pure will, I looked up at him once more, only to end up seeing him smiling with his hand outstretched towards me.

I quickly pulled away and got up from the chair as I barely dodged his grasp. A shriek had escaped my mouth as I saw his body lunge forward. But to my surprise, he quite literally fell off of the bench.

He must really be on something.

I quickly dashed towards the play ground in an attempt for him to lose sight of me. The sand crumpled beneath my feet as I hastily turned off my music. I saw from afar as his dodgy silhouette rose from the ground. I looked down at my phone and texted the first number I saw.
It was Cory's. 'I need your help!' the message read as I pressed send. No connection.

"Boo!" a voice from behind me whispered. I screamed as I jumped at least two feet into the air out of surprise. My eyes started to water in fear as I easily recognized Fred's pungent smell.
Within seconds he took hold of my shoulders as he pulled me back towards him. I continued screaming in fear as I felt his hands on me.
I can't believe this is happening.

Tears started streaming down my face as I fought relentlessly to escape his grasp. Just then I heard a loud audible sound of something forcefully hitting something else and I felt Fred's hands release my shoulders.
I turned around and to my surprise, saw Fred knocked out cold on the ground and Cory standing behind him, as he shook one of his hands out

I immediately rushed into his arms as I buried my head in his chest. He immediately wrapped his arms around me as I couldn't help myself from savoring every moment of it. His warmth had filled my insides once more and I could feel myself physically start to calm down. He took me a little distance away from Fred and found a phone connection to call the police.

About fifteen minutes later the police had arrived and were assessing the scene and asking us questions. Both of us answered and by the time Fred had woken up, they had more than enough information for what was required.

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