Chapter 3

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Rachel's P.O.V~

I woke up that morning, feeling quite refreshed as I stretched myself in my bed. It was still quite early as I doubted that Cory was up by now.

I didn't call mom yesterday.

I quickly picked up my phone as I silently cursed myself for not remembering. I probably forgot because of all the 'excitement' from yesterday.
I sat up in my bed as I pressed my phone to my ear. I came to my feet as I went in the hallway and made my way down the stairs as quietly as I possibly could.
Finally she picked up as I heard the ringing stop.


She replied, with her voice that was slightly raspy, "Goodmorning honey. How was your da-" I cut in, "I'm so sorry I forgot to call you yesterday. I think I got carried away with all the excitement." She questioned, "What happened?"
"Ms.Williams and her family had planned to go on vacation for three weeks, and she forgot to remind me.
Though I was surprised she already made plans for me so I wouldn't be in the house alone," I answered.

"Well, okay. I understand that and I guess that's fine. So where are you staying right now?" she continued. I responded as I leaned back in the couch, "I'm staying at her eldest son's house right now."

"What is he like?"

"Well, he's pretty funny and he's very kind. He cooks and he has a pretty nice place. He's not up as yet, I'm sitting in his living room at the moment."

"Sounds like a nice young man," she stated. "When you say it like that, you sound like an elderly person, Mom," I said laughingly.

"Forgive me for not being up to code on today's 'young people slang'." I laughed as she made that last comment.

From there on, I asked about her day and what was planned for today. Later on I heard footsteps coming down the stairs as it appeared that Cory had woken up.

"Woah!"I laughed as I looked up at Cory's bed head which made his hair sprawl in strange directions.

Mom questioned, "What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing wrong Mom. Cory just woke up, his head looks like a COMPLETE mess."

I heard her laugh weakly on the other end as Cory looked at me with his mouth jokingly hanging slightly open, pretending to be offended.

"Alright, I'll call you tomorrow mom."

She replied, "Sure, alright. Goodbye dear."
She hung up the phone as I looked back at Cory who now sat at the counter reading a book. It looked like the same one from last night.

He started, "You didn't have to stop on my account."

"Oh no, it's okay. I want to let her get some rest."

He nodded as his head returned to his book.
I got to my feet as I walked over to him and leaned against the counter top.

I questioned,"What's that your reading?"

"The Bible."

Makes sense.

I turned my head in somewhat curiosity.
He continued, "The first thing when I wake up and the last thing before I sleep."


I walked into the kitchen as I started poking around in the cupboards looking for something to eat, allowing him to continue his reading. The morning's warm light shined through the windows giving off a heavenly glow that casted itself upon the countertops.
Just then, as I reached the fridge I saw a large bag of pancake mix.

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